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My New Seeds/Baby Geraniums


By Jacque

My New Seeds/Baby Geraniums

I choose lots of colours that go 2gether :)

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Oh no, Jacque, you are doing this on purpose. I promise, truly, I will try to plant some seeds very, very soon - but will there be any left for me?

24 Feb, 2009


Keep it up Jacque, you enthusiasm is infectious,

24 Feb, 2009


LOL iv got the Sowing Bug @ the moment Gee/FF :) & i know what look i want from My Garden This Yr ;)

24 Feb, 2009


Good 2 see you planting seeds again Jacquie, I have also been planting, Cosmos, lupins, echinacea.Lavertra and crosmosis Lucifer, thats it now as I have run out of windowsills. until the weather gets warmer and can plant outside!

24 Feb, 2009


Wow! PP uv been as busy as me ! See Gee its not me Doing it on Purpose lol :)

24 Feb, 2009


Jacque ~ Re. the coloured pots ~
did B&Q just have plants in yellow pots or were there other flowerpot colours as well ?

24 Feb, 2009


Hi TT They only had Yellow Pots with these Geraniums in but im sure some of the other Plants Fuchsias ect had different coloured Pots ?

24 Feb, 2009


Thanks. I'll have to get to B&Q and take a look.
Need to stock up coloured pots for Conker's tricks.:o)
Let's hope I like the plants which are in the coloured pots I choose. Lol.

24 Feb, 2009


Im sure u will TT :) Iv some Pretty Pale Blue 1s i got from there last yr :) Cant remember what plants came in them Though lol :)

24 Feb, 2009


Pale blue sounds good.
If you see those again this year, please let me know. Thanks.

24 Feb, 2009


Of Course i will TT :)

24 Feb, 2009


Did you pay 79p for 1 Geranium plant? Crikey - I can make a mint if I sell mine for that price.
They're coming up a treat from seed I had left over from last year.
I always thought they were difficult to grow but I did grow from seed for the 1st time last year with great success. I have sowed some 'Moulin Rouge' this weekend - unfortunatley I didn't check the price of the packet of seed before purchase and you all know I like a bargain...wait for it....6 seeds for........£2.99! I nearly keeled over! I hope and pray these grow for that price! A packet of F2 mixed was only 79p and you get about 30 seeds for that price.

24 Feb, 2009


Hi GreenF yes thats how much they were ! I lost most of My Cuttings in The Frost which made my Greenhouse to cold for them :( Only The Scent Leafed 1s Survived? Strage that dont u think GreenF? Im glad your Geranium Seeds Grew Well maybe il have a go next yr if their as eay as u say :)

24 Feb, 2009


Your garden is going to be Beautifull Jacque, All the seeds youv'e sown, Im Dying to see it in summer :) Ive been to B&Q tonight for some seed compost and there were some sale stuff, bought a hanging birdbath/feeder, cast iron, it hangs from a shed or post, £5.00.. and some reduced water retaining Gel and Matting, £3.00 and £1.00.. Big pots reduced from £12 to £4. and a Plant (cant remember what) half price :)) And I seen these Fab Pots for outside the Front Door for £12. 99. Hub was putting them in the Trolley when I noticed the Real price on the pot! £44.99. Eeek OMG I nearly fainted haha, imagine going to the till and them charging £90 for them, I would of been so Embarraced!!! Anyway my bag of compost ending up costing £43.. as we needed a security light too..

24 Feb, 2009


LOL O Dee its so Funny how we go 4 1 thing &come out with Other stuff 2 lol :)

25 Feb, 2009


Jacque . you will be able to have one of those trollys outside your house selling plants , you will make a fortune . . A friend of mine did and her hubby was always worried that the tax man would be after her LOL

25 Feb, 2009


I am exstatic to report that 3 of the 6 £2.99 seeds I sowed on Saturday afternoon have already germinated and poking their noses out of the compost - after only 3 days, it's a miracle!

25 Feb, 2009


OMG GreenF thats fab news Im so plezd & in 3 days ? it must be the fastest growing Plant in history iv never had seeds germinate that fast?

25 Feb, 2009

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