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My "workers"


By Rolfkjo

My "workers"

And here is some of my children who want to know more about growing flowers from europe. This pictures in here is only from Thailand (north east)

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They all look very busy.

15 Jan, 2009


I could do with a few of those in my garden.Nice to see them taking an interest.....

15 Jan, 2009


Hello to everyone. A very warm welcome from me. How nice it is to see young children having an interest in horticulture. Well done to you all.

15 Jan, 2009


Looks like their enjoying this? wish id had Planting/Growing lessons when i was this age !

15 Jan, 2009


That's a lovely photo.
The children look very interested and helpful.
Is your weather good for growing plants ?

15 Jan, 2009


To all the children, a big warm welcome, nice to see the young taking an interest in horticulture.

15 Jan, 2009


Soooo Nice coments of all of you :)!
the weather here is cold in the night about 8 - 9 degree C but in the daytime it is 25 Degree C. The kids have never see flower like this and they love to help (about almost every thing :) ) it was 25 kids from 4 and 5 grade, it was to manny becourse I lost controll :D.
They is so lovely so it is a plesure for me to help them for a better future...

15 Jan, 2009


Now, Rolf - you are Norwegian - so you know that 8-9 degrees isn't cold! Just think of us in the UK last week with temps of -12 degrees in some places!

I could really do with 25 degrees... lovely!

15 Jan, 2009


MMMMMMMmmm 25 Degrees Spritz :) Lovely thought :)

15 Jan, 2009


Just a thought, Jacque, did we get to 25 degrees last summer? No - I didn't think so - more like 20 at the highest - on the one or two days that we called 'summer'.

15 Jan, 2009


Yes that is correct Spritzhenry but it is 8 - 9 degrees also inside the houses, noone have ovn to make it warmer inside and most of the people here doesnt even have wals on their houses only roof :( Im in a extreemt poor part of Thailand most of them dont have more then 25 euro per month and half of them is old people who have their grandshildren (up to 8 smaal shildren each) so 8 - 9 degree is VERY cold in the houses :(.. Im working for a norwegian help organition Marys Venner...

Is it snow in England now?

15 Jan, 2009


Hi Rolfkjo, Welcome to GOY.. What a Fantastic job your doing with the children, Its very interesting to learn about how you all live and help the families to become self sufficiant,are you growing plants from England too?

15 Jan, 2009


Rolf ~ recently, we had snow in Britain, but this week is more rainy and windy.

Seems very cold in those houses for the children :o(

You are doing good work out there with the gardening. :o)

15 Jan, 2009


Welcom're having a heat wave...We're -21 celsius right now in Illinois USA. I enjoy hearing about your work with both types of flowers (the plant species and the human species) best of luck in making both of them blossom.

15 Jan, 2009


missed the part about no walls or heat...I am fortunate to have both my prayers are that it does not get any colder for you.

15 Jan, 2009


welcome to GoY.You are doing a fantastic thing for the children.So good to see their enthusiasm!

16 Jan, 2009


Hi Rolf - great work there! Welcome to GOY :-) I understand that this has been an unusually cold year for parts of Thailand - very hard on those with no source of heating :-( Hope it doesn't last too long. Do you think the new government will be better than the old one for helping the people?

19 Jan, 2009


Thanks Sid yes it is cold for them. It have been warmer now for 2 nights so maybe the cold periode is over :o). I dont think the new govermet will and can do more then the goverment who was before, it have make more difficult for thourists to stay longer like it was before. we dont see any difference then it was. It is alot of helping organitions here but noone give anything for the poor people I guess they are like most of the organitions other countries that they put most of the money in their pocket :o(. I love Thailand very much becourse of the people who is so nice, I was in south when the Tsuami came in 2004 and saw how kind this people is to other people also the thourists who needed help.

20 Jan, 2009


Sunni-ka Rolf! - glad it's warming up a bit. Why has the government made it more difficult for tourists to stay longer? I am sad you say the charity money goes into organisers' pockets instead of helping the people - I think that must happen a lot. I think a lot of the aid to Africa ends up supporting dictatorships :-( I do like the Thai people also - my sister lives in Bangkok and I visit every year. There is a very strong community spirit that you just don't see here in the UK (and maybe in Norway?) I think it is becuase all life takes place on the street. I only speak a few words of Thai but I find I can get by very well because the people are so kind and helpful. My sister lives out there with her human family and also her family of soi cats she takes care of!

20 Jan, 2009


It isnt so easy for any goverment to make big difference fast, this is a big country with alot of people, I guess all goverment do what they can do for the people. I think it is becourse the european countries make it so difficult for thai to come to europe that they have say that we only get 15 days when we come across the border (not when you go by plain then it is 30 days visa) Yes most of the charity goes back to the people who work in the organitions mostly it is the bigest who get most money. I beleave that if all of the money who goes in to the organitions have been used like Marys friends does it will not be poor people in the world. Marys friends send all of the money directly to their projects and they come 2 tims a year to see where the money have gone ( they come now to us in 2 month ).
Im agree with you about the Thai people they stay together and take care of each other who I dont see in Norway.
So nice that your sister lives in thailand, next time you come maybe we can meet :o)

21 Jan, 2009


Glad to hear that the Marys Friends project checks where the money is going. I was last in Thailand last summer - I have never been to the north of the country, so maybe next time! :-)

22 Jan, 2009


Yes Sid I hope you will come, just tell me and I will pick you up :o)

25 Jan, 2009


OK Rolf that's kind of you :-) I would like to visit Chang Mai (spelling?) - are you anywhere near there?

25 Jan, 2009

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