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By Siris

Clematis (Clematis)

The first pic Clematis jackmanii alba with its early double flowers, which I find messy, preferring the later flush of single ones. The other 3 Clematis are large (8") flowered which I grew from seed. Bottom left a seedling from Miss Bateman. The blue is a seedling of Lasurstern.

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Lovely collection there I do like the messy one too.☺

30 May, 2018


From seed!!!! Wow. I did take the seeds from my mum's C constance and I think they're growing, unless I'm nurturing weeds lol.

30 May, 2018


They usually germinate after a winter cold snap, then it's a question of growing on. I don't do any more, no room to put them.

30 May, 2018


Clever you , the seedlings are impressive and I agree with 3p " do like the messy one too.☺" so do I

the blue one is a few shades lighter than the parent but still looks great

My seedling ( by chance that grew) I showed on here last year is flowering well ...


31 May, 2018


You'll have to show us a pic this year of your Clematis, Gg please.

31 May, 2018


I think the seedlings are darn violets grrr.

Siris, my clematis order arrives next week :)
Compost ready, root grow ready now need trellis, we'll get them from a local timber merchants on Tuesday, hopefully OHs injuries will allow him to get them up.

2 Jun, 2018

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