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Today I have been tidying up the borders this one is by the raised border.

Today I have been tidying up the borders this one is by the raised border.

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Well done you, looking colourful too! :)))

19 Feb, 2014


That looks great! Yes, it's definitely time...the garden is waking up. At this time I generally start getting impatient, and need to remind myself that I won't see snowdrops for another best enjoy them and not wish them over and done! :))

19 Feb, 2014


like mother like daughter. lol exactly what I am like. lol but it will be nice to see lots of colour again, you know how I like my colour. :O)

19 Feb, 2014


Thank you Michaella, it is coming back to life again. :O)

19 Feb, 2014


Looking very good. :-)

20 Feb, 2014


There is going to be a lot of colour in my raised beds too Mum! I have ordered loads of stunning perennials in colours that you will love. The top part will be hot, hot, hot, and the lower part will be serene with my beloved blues!

20 Feb, 2014


Sounds interesting, look forward to seeing the outcome this summer. lol :O))

20 Feb, 2014


Well, the perennials seem to take a year to get their feet down, don't they? But I'll do my best. I am thinking about getting the top part of the Tarmac removed at the gate now. There is far too much Tarmac. Would leave a drive way and plenty of parking/turning space, but then I could have a little garden up there too! Pass me that pneumatic drill please....

20 Feb, 2014


Am also planning a wildflower garden. I've got loads of seed, which I was thinking of casting under the hedge. However, I am now thinking of creating a wildflower patch with it...around the swing seat. I'll leave turf for swinging, so we won't get stung thighs! But I think it would be lovely in that back corner. Scott has plans for a raised deck there, but if I get the flowers growing he might see sense! ;) Then between that and the patio border I will have raised planters for veg...maybe...and my greenhouse (eventually)!

20 Feb, 2014


The best laid plans o' mice and men aft gang awry...
...usually because they've been outwitted and outmanouvered! Lol.
Sometimes, as a male, I can't help doffing my beanie in admiration, ladies. ;-)

21 Feb, 2014


Karen, that sounds interesting, how long before we get those works underway.

Mouldy, we are very lucky that we do not have much else to do (other than housework which I personally hate). So being out in the garden is a labour of love for us. Well for Karen and myself I think I can speak for her.

I just love being out there and this week it has been lovely and bright and I have been out most days tidying and titivating it all. Seems we are about the driest part of the country in our little part of the world. So the soil was able to be turned and weeded without much trouble. Off out in an hour or so, once I have done the washing and made the bed and lit the fire. lol. oh a housewifes world is not a happy one. lol.

21 Feb, 2014


Yes!..oh, the wildflower garden...soon as I will need to sow the seed in April, but first I need to get some gravel, shift some big rocks and finish the back garden jobs!

21 Feb, 2014


if only each day was 48 hours long eh!!!

21 Feb, 2014


Well, yes...but how many hours sleep would we need then?!

21 Feb, 2014


I've been on the anti-smoking tablets four days now.
Luckily, I don't seem to need more than an hour's doze twice a day, because the nightmares these tablets produce are horrific! Lol.

22 Feb, 2014


Oh my! you really do have to to through the mill to kick this nicotine addiction mouldy. It has to be worth it though....even if it's really tough. Have you tried hypnotherapy at all? I bet the NHS would fund a couple of sessions if it would get you off the cigs? After all, they fund other forms of psychotherapy. And while you are at it, you could find out about your past incarnations!

22 Feb, 2014


Karen think we have heard enough about his present incarnations do not think we could take any past ones. lol. :O)

Sorry Mouldy - Hope it is going well for you kicking the nicotine habit and that the tablets are doing their job for you. Keep at it you will win in the end. :O)

22 Feb, 2014


Mouldy dont give up, you can do it......
Olive your area looks to have less rain than ours, some of our borders are still too wet to work, which is so frustrating.......

2 Mar, 2014


Much drier at our side of the country Dd. I know you have all been drenched down south. I did notice when they were giving out areas of where the rain had been falling, ours was the driest area. It is raining this evening though, light but persistent rain.

2 Mar, 2014


It has been pouring for hours, beyond a joke now!!

2 Mar, 2014


Sunny here, looks lovely outside, just going to have a toddle around and see if anything new has popped up. :O) Hope the rain has stopped now Dd. :O)

3 Mar, 2014


Rained most of the day again........blo... weather!!

3 Mar, 2014


I saw on the forecast that the rain was still coming down. Hope you dry out soon. :O)

3 Mar, 2014

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