At last!! The garden is growing..
I dont know about anyone else’s garden but mine seems to be growing slower than usual, maybe because we have had less rain this year, but i can see lots of new leave’s and height, the flowers are a different matter! my front garden is nearly all green, the lupins are just starting to show, I also have begonia’s, Geranium’s, Malva park rondel! can’t remember buying that :) Daliah, Chrysanths and loads more that i planted so long ago, all waiting to flower, maybe its me just being impatient..
The back garden seems to of been at a standstill but i can see lots of new growth this week and buds, yay flower buds.. just a few pics of how things are progressing, new plants, new water fountain etc…Oh and lights, electric lights lol…
I bought the TF at the end of summer half price last year for £30 and im delighted it survived..
Some of you may remember me buying this in december from B&Q at a bargain price of £20.. Woohoo..
Oleander, Nerium standard..
Small border filling out, There’s, Crocosmia,( Lucifer,) Verbena, Bona something!, Coleus, Red begonia,Passion flower and Bower of beauty to climb up the trellis, just waiting for them to flower..
my sis bought me this yesterday, A dragonfly i think, isn,t it cool? i love it..
Another new addition, on the far left. Phoenix! thats all it says on the Label lol..
The only half decent night pic i took, right hand border now has electricity.. When i have time im going to fiddle with my camera, :))))
7 Jul, 2010
Previous post: More Ivy to remove, Or Not!
Next post: Man im worn out...
Looking lovely, Dee. Well done :o)
7 Jul, 2010
Thanks Dido, Sorry to hear about your TF an expensive plant to lose, I think i would cry if i lost mine lol..Yeah, wait untill late summer, autumn and grab a bargain..
7 Jul, 2010
Awww thanks TT, I think we posted at the same time..
I have to go to work Guys so dont think im ignoring you lol... Thats if there's any more comments hehe...
7 Jul, 2010
Your garden looks great Dee! I live just a few miles away from you and my plants are all slow growing this year too...:o(. Never mind, by the time it gets to the end of August we will probably have a lovely late summer show of flowers....:o)
7 Jul, 2010
May seem its growing slow but your garden is lovely..
7 Jul, 2010
The garden looks great Ydd. Nothing much growing here either. Not good for us poor gardeners...I'll be out of business soon at this rate!
7 Jul, 2010
Blooming marvellous and a pleasure, as always, to look around it:o))
7 Jul, 2010
I always enjoy seeing photos of your garden Daisy, its amazing, you have such good taste and the tree fern is stunning.
7 Jul, 2010
All looks lovely and lush with those wonderful palms and love your Dragon Fly, I agree that the flowering is slow this year, mine is only just starting colour too!
7 Jul, 2010
It may all be late but well worth the wait, it all looks so healthy and mature.
7 Jul, 2010
Your garden is looking wonderful Daisy...most of the plants are quite late bloomers normally I think, so that's why it seems to be behind. Up here you wouldn't get a bloom on a passion flower before August and Verbena Bonariensis...late July; same with Crocosmia. Dahlias Late July also and Chrysanths probably not before August.....puzzled by the lupins though! Love your garden and yes, that dragonfly is fab and suits the garden perfectly! Love your garden soooooooo much!
7 Jul, 2010
Looking really good Youngdaisydee
The phoenix will not tolerate being outside in the wet over winter ...
Love the night photo really tropical . Now wheres the rum ?... :o)))
7 Jul, 2010
Oooh yes, rum cocktails all round!
7 Jul, 2010
Such a nice garden it does look tropical and I love the dragonfly.
7 Jul, 2010
I love your tropical theme, it all looks fantastic, do envy your TF lucky you,... it looks so healthy. Now about the rum I like mine with coke if thats ok? lol
7 Jul, 2010
Can I be awkward and have a G&T please?....:o)
8 Jul, 2010
Thanks Guys, So im not the only one with a slow garden :) Hi Mushy, hows your tropicals doing? and Dottydaisy did you get your tropical border going? Ill overwinter the Phoenix in the Ghouse or my Sis's Conservatory Mushy,.. its still in its pot, ill repot it next year.. Yeah Karen There are late flowering plants mixed in there, ill have to think about buying early flowering plants in future.. Rum, Gin, Nahhh ill have a half :)))
8 Jul, 2010
love your garden..... and the tree fern looks great.......things growing ok down here.....
8 Jul, 2010
hi Dee everything looks stunning as always, i remember you getting water feature and it looks great set up and your lights to, is that a gunnera in pot , mine in ground but not sure i should leave it there, may get to big, lovely pics Dee ;o))
8 Jul, 2010
Thanks Hollyeves/Sandra. yeah its a gunnera in the pot San, wish i had the room to plant it in the garden...Maybe next year you could dig yours up and pot it up,.. There Such lovely plants..
8 Jul, 2010
yes think i will pot it up Dee, iv seen how big they can grow and im worried the roots may go through my pond liner ;o(
8 Jul, 2010
Your gardens looking amazing Dee, you would never guess it was in this country. Love the water feature and the night shot + lots of lovely flowers to look forward to :-)))
9 Jul, 2010
There doing well the ones that survived the winter ..Lost 1 of the ensette's ( i broke it ) all my canna 's i left out, with straw over to protect them, thinking this winter won't be as bad as last winter 3 cordylines big stems but they all have little ones coming from the stems so not so bad and 2 banana's ..:O((((
Never mind better luck this year..But the TF survived ..Yeahhh
9 Jul, 2010
Yaaaay Mushy, for your TF, sorry about the rest of your plants, there so expensive to replace..
Good idea San, mine is in a 25ltr pot but next year it will be in a 50ltr pot...
Thanks Annella, im really looking forward to the flowers..
9 Jul, 2010
I love your garden it always looks so inviting and well kept Well done Daisy
11 Jul, 2010
It's all looking fantastic ... you've created a wonderful tropical garden. Love all your palms ... that Phoenix (Pygmy Date Palm) really is a great looking palm ... one of my favourites. Your garden looks fabulous by night as well ... lovely place to sit and have a drink with friends.
11 Jul, 2010
wow how nice is your garden well done :)
21 Jul, 2010
Lovely Garden !!
The Phoenix is a Phoenix Canariasis (Canary Island Date Palm) - if it was bought from B&Q or somewhere they are the ones they sell.
I have 4 and they are all fine in the winter. There are quite a few around here and they don't need to be mothered over winter. Get it out of the pot and in the ground !! lol
But anyhoo...I think your garden is gorgeous, right up my street!
12 Sep, 2010
Just found this post sorry its so late, garden is lovely! Have you tried Petasite japonicus varieagatus? I'ts got lovely big leaves, the plain green one is a bit invasive. There is also another one with purple under sides a bit like Ligularia, it's nice too.
20 Feb, 2011
Hi Helenium, sorry i just saw your comment, my news page doesen,t highlight new comments, i was looking up my past blogs to remind me of the name of a plant, you must think im totally ignorant lol.. I googled Petastite japonicus, (buttermur) Wow, what an amazing plant, those leave's are huge, ive wrote it down for the next time im plant shopping, I love Ligularia, A goy member sent me some seeds a couple of years ago, ive tried twice to grow them, but with no success, lovely plant, i might come across one and buy it, you never know, thanks for the info, really appreciated..Dee..
31 Mar, 2011
I don't think you're ignorant at all. Daisydee! LOL! A good place for plants as mentioned is Constantine nursery in Cornwall. They have a huge range of plants and they're not expensive, which is even better! Mail order too!
1 Apr, 2011
Ive had a look at the site Helenium, yeah it is cheap, there's a price limit £25, and about £8.50 postage. Theres a great choice of plants but still waiting for pics on some, I love begonias (especially the leaves) and they have quite a few, but waiting on pics. ive bookmarked it for now, Thanks Helenium..
2 Apr, 2011
2 Apr, 2011
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It looks like Africa! I love this garden its soo lush, well done in keeping your tree fern, unfortunately I lost mine, might wait for a late summer bargain eh!
7 Jul, 2010