Dido's Profile

About me
Hello, Dido is my nickname (Diane) my garden is my baby, perhaps now my big baby
The garden when we bought the house in 1980 was an overgrown lawn, a lot of blackberry bushes and a neglected apple tree, not much to work with... but today
thirty years on, a lot of mistakes, patience and hard work its my sanctuary.
I like to plant as naturally as I can, try to make it look like it happend by accident, I prefer trees and shrubs, but love all plants. I grow some veg but time is not plentiful, I work full time still, but at least the boys have flown the nest now!
I have fruit trees, Apple, Pear Cherry and Plum grow lots of herbs and fruit bushes aswell, really I'll have a go at anything!
I have just made a wildlife pond, its in its first year and I am thrilled I already have tadpoles.
Like to think I have some experience of a lot, but definately not an expert in any one area, still learning as we speak... Just happy to get my hands mucky!
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Joined in Jun 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: South Yorkshire