The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

In February.


‘The freshening air is golden
with February sun.
The winter days are over,
Oh, has the spring begun?’
By P.A. Ropes

This is the last verse of a short poem written for children, it seems to describe the hope that we all feel at this time of year.

Here it is very mild and drizzly today but there are still some little patches of Spring in the garden to show you.

We went to my favourite nursery today which is just like stepping back in time. I bought these two little plants,an azalea and a cyclamen for £1 each.

I spent a little bit more on this Hellebore Pink Lady! £2.50

And a little bit more on this lovely Hepatica Nobilis £4.00!
But it is a bit special!

This bed near the kitchen has lots of colour at this time of year which is nice to look at when I am washing the dishes.

Here is a job for tomorrow, 3 saxifrage to go into one alpine pot.

However, it is rather dull and gloomy at the moment, so perhaps this poem is more realistic for the time of year!

’ January brings the snow,
In February cold winds blow.
In March peep out the early flowers………….’

I look forward to seeing these catkins against a blue sky one day soon.

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What a charming blog, lovely poem, so apt! you do have some very pretty containers planted with the best of the Spring flowers......I love the double pink primula, Oh has just rescued ours from the border and potted it up, looks better already!
Such bargain prices at your local nursery, especially the Hepatica!...ours is flowering, always pleased to see it has made it through the winter months...

19 Feb, 2017


Yes, I agree...hepaticas really sparkle dont they? :)

19 Feb, 2017


Yes, that one is beautiful. I love your hellebores too, especially the double white one - and the snowdrops with the Cyclamen - what a good idea.

19 Feb, 2017


your hellebore is a positive bargain and so pretty too.

lovely blog :o)

19 Feb, 2017


A lovely blog and photo's,Chris,and poetry too ! You have such a lot of wonderful colour in your garden,and I guess washing up isn't such a boring job after all,when you have all this to look out on :o) I love that pink primula too,and what is the white flowering plant in the third photo from the bottom please ? have fun planting out your new buys.I think you found some real good bargains there..x

19 Feb, 2017


The plants in the pots look so colourful. Only the snowdrops and yellow Crocuses in my borders are really open and that's only when the sun shines. That Hellebore was a bargain.

20 Feb, 2017


Thank you all for looking. Your comments were lovely to read.
Today it is foggy, drizzly and quite horrible in fact!!
Sandra, that plant is a double hellebore but not sure which one. It has done better than all the others in the same bed.

20 Feb, 2017


Lovely to see some colourful Spring flowers Chris ... I also bought a Hellebore from a nursery yesterday! Not too sunny here either ... but we did manage a walk down to the beach as it was dry weather.

By the way, the Narcissus 'Cheerfulness' are popping up again ... many thanks for those! :o)

20 Feb, 2017


Great blog some lovely flowers gives us all hope of some better days to come

20 Feb, 2017


Great variety so colourful to see for this time of year.

21 Feb, 2017


You have some beautiful spring plants...nice poems too. That primula with the rose type flowers is superb.

22 Feb, 2017


Oh wow! Some lovely colours. They have quite brightened up my day.

23 Feb, 2017


What a bargain that pink hellebore was its beautiful ... and washing up is no chore at all when you have such lovely planting to look at, I think we are all getting excited that the gardens are beginning to reveal their secrets.

24 Feb, 2017


Thank you all for such kind comments. 'Doris' was a bit of a set back yesterday wasn't she, but today all is calm again!

24 Feb, 2017

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