A couple of hours out.
By toto
This morning a friend and I went to Two Tree Island to do a spot of bird watching.
We had a good time watching various waterfowl and wading birds including Widgeon, Dunlin, Knot, Shellduck, Greenshank, Redshank, Ring Plover, Golden Plover, Lapwing,Teal, Shovellers and a Water Rail.
I would love to be able to show you photos of them all but I don’t have a camera with a long lens, however I did manage to get a couple of pics of a Snipe which I’d like to share. I must apologise for the quality but I took it buy holding my little Samsung camera to the eyepiece of my telescope and everything was a bit shaky. Still here are the three pics.
2 Jan, 2010
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Difficult to spot and known to be shy and secretive so did well to get any form of shot Toto .
2 Jan, 2010
I love the sound of your morning Toto, i'm envious :-))))
You did well to get these photos, they're great !
2 Jan, 2010
Nice to see this bird, Toto, sounds like a great place to visit.
2 Jan, 2010
My goodness - you do know your birds, don't you! I think I'd have been able to ID maybe two of those. I don't think I've ever seen a snipe! I have now! :-)))
2 Jan, 2010
Well done Toto, thats what I like (determination). Rain and snow here all day so our trip out cancelled, thanks for sharing yours.......
2 Jan, 2010
What a perfect morning out Toto. Its so difficult to get photos of the shy birds, you did well, thanks for sharing with us.
2 Jan, 2010
They have come out very well
2 Jan, 2010
Well done Toto, they can be hard enough to spot in the first place and then to hold your camera up to your scope and not shiver in the cold - I'm impressed.
2 Jan, 2010
Is a snipe the one that flies high while making an odd whirring sound as it dives through the air after bugs? If so ...I have only ever seen and heard one from a long way down on the ground...while it was far above me when I was in an opening in the forest.
2 Jan, 2010
smashing blog and good photo all things considering. :o)
2 Jan, 2010
Thank you all for your kind comments. The only view I normally get of a Snipe is one where I have disturbed it and it is flying away.
2 Jan, 2010
glad you enjoyed your walk toto and got to see some lovely birds to :o))
2 Jan, 2010
Thanks Sandra.
2 Jan, 2010
Well done Toto and pleased you enjoyed your day out bird watching.
3 Jan, 2010
Thanks Clarice.
3 Jan, 2010
Well captured good camouflage aginst its back ground
3 Jan, 2010
Thank you Sixpence.
4 Jan, 2010
: O ) cute little face too
4 Jan, 2010
Recent posts by toto
- A lot of luck.
15 May, 2010
- Baby squizzles.
10 May, 2010
- Happy Easter
1 Apr, 2010
- Lazy Days
31 Dec, 2009
- Happy Christmas.
25 Dec, 2009
- Late or Early?
13 Dec, 2009
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Sounds like a nice morning out Toto....clever idea with the camera! They are clear enough to see the bird. Thanks for showing them!
2 Jan, 2010