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So nice to see three Blackbird chicks and on very overworked Male.
Does the female start laying for the next clutch because unfortunately have not seen her for days.

Dad feeds the chicks

Black bird so desperate he go for the suet balls, I keep putting meal worms and all season food plus even resorted to dig up worms to help the overworked male.

One chick has a fascination for the water and stands there until the old woody wants a bath

Looks like dad is doing a good job at caring

Where’s my dad?

all three chicks and looks like dad has collapsed with exhaustion…

Still find times to pose

Dunno if the same male but showing his whiskers

Happier times with mum about

My two youngest grandchildren trying to make the chicks at home, bless them…

Still getting the other birds on a constant flow, so many afer a drink and wash and brush up

The robin still walking tall

Chicks like young children, put all and everything in the mouth to see if nice

A dove hogs the food

Have you noticed that male woodpigeon all seem to have one droopy wing, have observed that when two opposing males meet they raise this wing and hit the opposition

The night of the 15/04/2014 what a beautiful moon, so bright

This chick like a dinosaur waiting to pounce

Apart from bird watching I tried to photograph mars, abit blurry but a definite red planet

Two pigeons juist watching the water flow

This is the oldest chick

One of the reasons I have to watch what foods is going out.As soon as the feed has been eaten by the birds I top up as to much and I get unwanted guests

Still have the buzzards flying over
I hope you enjoyed so finally will paste a link for you to watch a young chick carefully preen it’s newly washed feathers

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Blackbird chicks survived in your garden? It's a miracle. Never happened in my garden.

16 Apr, 2014


Lovely pictures, good job there are no cats about!

16 Apr, 2014


Sadly, two days ago I was keeping a maternal eye on a baby collared dove on the ground in the corner of my garden, it couldn't fly. I put a container of water nearby for it and it's parents, who were keeping a close eye on their baby and me. Next morning when I checked from a distance, it was mutilated. Probably succumbed to cats overnight, but that is nature in the raw! I was so upset, and sadly it's parents were still on the fence looking down at it, willing it to move. The adult doves don't dwell on it though, they probably have another clutch of eggs now, but I'm still sad!

16 Apr, 2014


Beautiful photos. That Daddy blackbird deserves a good holiday after all that work, poor soul! This blog's a joy!

16 Apr, 2014

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