Bee orchid
Added on 28 Nov, 2018 | 1 photo
Genus: Ophrys.
Species: Ophrys apifera.
Photo: 23 May 2017
Ophrys apifera, known in Europe as the bee orchid, is a perennial herbaceous plant belongi...
Dahlia (unknown)
Added on 22 Oct, 2018 | 1 photo
I think Bill bought the tubers in 2006 (?) from Gammvert.
Daylily 'El Desperado'
Added on 16 Jun, 2018 | 0 photos
Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.
Given by Simbad in 2016
2017. 6. 16, flowered but forgot to take a photo.
Houki gusa (Bassia scoparia)
Added on 13 May, 2017 | 4 photos
Species: Bassia scoparia.
Got seeds in Nov 2016 from my parents.
ホウキギ(箒木、学名: Bassia scoparia)はヒユ科バッシア属の一年草。別名、ホウキグサ(箒草)。
Dahlia 'Purple Gem'
Added on 16 Apr, 2017 | 0 photos
Genus: Dahlia.
Species: Dahlia cuctus.
Autumn 2016. Cherrylane Garden Centre
2.49GBP for 2 / pack
Height: 90 cm
Tulip 'Black Parrot'
Added on 15 Apr, 2017 | 1 photo
10 for 2.10 pounds, in Diss market (end/2016).
Height 55cm
Added on 9 May, 2016 | 0 photos
Genus: Cymbidium.
Species: Cymbidium.
5 May 2016
From Siris
Colour: pink/pale pink. She bought it in Italy in 2005 ish
Iris 'Holden Clough'
Added on 9 Jul, 2015 | 0 photos
Genus: Iris.
Species: Iris (pseudacorus x chrysographes).
8 July 2015 from Siris
Not bearded
Yellow flowers heavily veined purple/brown in mid summer. Moist well dr...
Hesperanthus / Hesperantha
Added on 9 Jul, 2015 | 1 photo
Species: hesperantha.
8 July 2014 from Siris (colour unknown; kept in pots and planted out in spring 2016 by the west palm bed)
5 M...
Added on 31 May, 2015 | 1 photo
Aster (shiro-kujaku)
Added on 24 Dec, 2014 | 2 photos
Genus: Aster.
Species: Aster ‘Shirokujaku’.
Oct 2011, given by Kath and Charles
Aster ‘Shirokujaku’ ‘白孔雀’(しろくじゃく)
Campanula 'Pink Octopus'
Added on 1 Dec, 2014 | 1 photo
Genus: Campanula.
Species: Campanula.
End/Nov 2014
Plant given by Simbad
Her comment:
Lovely plant, lower growing version of my white 'Beauti...
Lysimachia 'Ephemerum'
Added on 1 Dec, 2014 | 0 photos
Genus: Lysimachia.
Species: Lysimachia.
End/Nov 2014
Plant given by Simbad
lovely grey green rubbery leaves (like lavender) w/ white flowers.
Cactus (Mammillaria)
Added on 18 Aug, 2014 | 0 photos
Species: Mammillaria.
14 April 2012
from Diss Farmer's market
The best way to encourage flowering (by Hywel):
Keep them ...
Maize (Zea Maize Quadoucolour)
Added on 2 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos
Given by Simbad end/May 2014 :-)
Took to France in June 10 2014 but missed the sowing time this year.
Daylily 'Cameroons'
Added on 2 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos
Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.
Given by Simbad end/May 2014 :-)
Took to France in June 10 2014
Height 2ft 4inch
Flower size...
Pregnant Onion (Albuca bracteata)
Added on 26 Nov, 2013 | 1 photo
Species: Albuca bracteata.
Got a few babies from Will Giles
Sold a pot with 1 flower stalk at vide-grenier in June 2014.
Potted sever...
Iris (bearded, 'Jane Phillips')
Added on 10 Jun, 2013 | 7 photos
Light-blue iris we inherited, planted everywhere
This tall bearded iris has delicate, ruffled flowers in a so...
Iris (bearded, white)
Added on 7 Jun, 2013 | 4 photos
June 2012, given by Kath and Charles
Flowered in May 2013
Iris (from JP)
Added on 7 Jun, 2013 | 4 photos
Given in March 2011
Flowered for the first time around 10 May 2012
Iris (bearded, copper)
Added on 7 Jun, 2013 | 1 photo
Given by Odile in autumn/winter 2010/11?
Flowered for the first time in May 2013
Dendrobium kingianum
Added on 29 Apr, 2013 | 2 photos
Genus: Dendrobium.
Species: Dendrobium kingianum.
March 2011, given by my parents
April 2013 - flowered for the first time
Dendrobium kingianum is a cool-gr...
Hosta "Minute Man"
Added on 28 Apr, 2013 | 0 photos
Genus: Hosta.
Species: hosta.
28 April 2013, 2 pounds @Norwich car-boot sale
Height: 45cm
Flowering: June-July
Quince "Géant de Vranja"
Added on 20 Mar, 2013 | 1 photo
26 Feb 2013, market in Castillonnes, from Lucie fleur
18 euros
Cognassier "Géant de Vranja"
Apricot "Luizet"
Added on 20 Mar, 2013 | 0 photos
19 Feb 2013, market in Castillonnes, from Lucier fleur
32 euros
Abricotier "Luizet"
Très gros fr...
Astrantia 'shaggy'
Added on 15 Mar, 2013 | 2 photos
Genus: Astrantia.
Species: astrantia.
15 Mar 2013
Plant with a tiny shoot growing, given by Simbad :)
Her photo: page 6 in my fav
Iris, Siberian
Added on 15 Mar, 2013 | 1 photo
Genus: Iris.
Species: Iris sibirica.
6 Aug 2012. Iris sibirica, white and yellow
2 (or 3?) given by Simbad :)
Her photo: page 6 in my fav.
Cactus - Mamilaria
Added on 23 May, 2012 | 0 photos
13 May 2012 3.33 pounds at Gt Yarmouth car-boot sale
tiny white round ones in a clump
Lemon Thyme
Added on 12 May, 2012 | 1 photo
4 May 2012, from Richard, at Eymet marktet, 3 euros
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2013
Leopard Lily
Added on 16 Apr, 2012 | 0 photos
Species: Ledebouria socialis.
14 April 2012, from eBay 1.90 + pp1.60 = 3.50
Family: Hyacinthaceae (formerly Liliaceae) Bluebell family
Gasteria bicolor
Added on 15 Apr, 2012 | 1 photo
Genus: Gasteria.
Species: Gasteria bicolor.
14 Apr 2012
3.30 from Diss Farmer's market
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana (V.Poelln.) Van Jaarsv.
Lemon Thyme 'Aureo Gold'
Added on 14 Apr, 2012 | 1 photo
1 May 2012, from Richard, at Castillonnes market, 3 euros
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2013
Echeveria Pulidonis
Added on 14 Apr, 2012 | 1 photo
Genus: Echeveria.
Species: Echeveria Pulidonis.
4 April 2012
From Diss Farmer's market
Jasione 'Blue Light'
Added on 14 Apr, 2012 | 0 photos
Genus: Jasione.
Species: Jasione laevis.
14 Mar 2012
given by Simbad :-)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013 summer - didn'...