Quince "Géant de Vranja"
Added on 20 Mar, 2013 | 1 photo
26 Feb 2013, market in Castillonnes, from Lucie fleur
18 euros
Cognassier "Géant de Vranja"
Added on 31 May, 2015 | 1 photo
Maize (Zea Maize Quadoucolour)
Added on 2 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos
Given by Simbad end/May 2014 :-)
Took to France in June 10 2014 but missed the sowing time this year.
Iris (bearded, 'Jane Phillips')
Added on 10 Jun, 2013 | 7 photos
Light-blue iris we inherited, planted everywhere
This tall bearded iris has delicate, ruffled flowers in a so...
Iris (bearded, white)
Added on 7 Jun, 2013 | 4 photos
June 2012, given by Kath and Charles
Flowered in May 2013
Iris (from JP)
Added on 7 Jun, 2013 | 4 photos
Given in March 2011
Flowered for the first time around 10 May 2012
Iris (bearded, copper)
Added on 7 Jun, 2013 | 1 photo
Given by Odile in autumn/winter 2010/11?
Flowered for the first time in May 2013
Tulip 'Black Parrot'
Added on 15 Apr, 2017 | 1 photo
10 for 2.10 pounds, in Diss market (end/2016).
Height 55cm
Apricot "Luizet"
Added on 20 Mar, 2013 | 0 photos
19 Feb 2013, market in Castillonnes, from Lucier fleur
32 euros
Abricotier "Luizet"
Très gros fr...
Cactus - Mamilaria
Added on 23 May, 2012 | 0 photos
13 May 2012 3.33 pounds at Gt Yarmouth car-boot sale
tiny white round ones in a clump
Dahlia (unknown)
Added on 22 Oct, 2018 | 1 photo
I think Bill bought the tubers in 2006 (?) from Gammvert.
Helleborus rosé
Added on 19 Jan, 2011 | 1 photo
!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!! - in spring 2011
11 Janvier 2011, from Richard @Castillonnes. 7 euros.
Grass (libertia???)
Added on 20 Jan, 2011 | 1 photo
11 Jan 2011 from Richard, Castillonnes market. 3 euros.
Grass (acorus)
Added on 13 Dec, 2010 | 1 photo
1 Dec 2010. 4 Seasons in St. Pardoux Issac. 3 euros.
Grass (carex??????)
Added on 24 Nov, 2010 | 1 photo
16 Nov 2010, Castillonness market, from Richard. 3 euros.
Planted by the rhododendron and hostas
Euphobia (variagated)
Added on 20 Oct, 2010 | 1 photo
!!!!! DEAD !!!!! early 2011
9 Oct. 2010. Villereal marche from Jean-Marie et Maite RANC. 8 euros.
Canna (variagated) 'Eric Neubert'
Added on 20 Oct, 2010 | 5 photos
Oct. 2010 Cherry Lane garden centre GBP4.99
!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Burned this at the end of March...
Hyacinth 'Odysseus' (peach)
Added on 20 Sep, 2010 | 0 photos
!!!!! DEAD !!!!! - Feb/Mar 2012
18 Sep. 2010. Diss garden centre. GBP 2.49 for 5 bulbs.
Hyacinth 'Carnegie' (white)
Added on 20 Sep, 2010 | 0 photos
!!!!! DEAD !!!!! - Feb/Mar 2012
18 Sep. 2010. Diss garden centre. GBP 2.49 for 5 bulbs.
Peach (Pêche de vigne jaune)
Added on 21 Dec, 2011 | 1 photo
!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May 2915
6 Dec 2011, from GAEC Lucie Fleurs, RN21 47330 Cahuzac. Planted ...
Added on 11 Jul, 2011 | 3 photos
Mar 2011 given by my parents
分類 ■半耐寒性球根植物
開花時期 ■9月~10月
草丈 ■60cm~100cm
花径 ■約 10cm
花色 ■ピンク、白
Pieris japonica 'Valley Valentine'
Added on 5 Apr, 2010 | 0 photos
!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - in summer 2010
"Akebono asebi" (red) 28 March 2010. 3.5...
Grass (Libertia?????)
Added on 14 Sep, 2010 | 1 photo
8 Sep. 2010 From 4 Seasons in St Pardoux Issac. 3 euros
Grass (unknown)
Added on 14 Sep, 2010 | 1 photo
summer 2010. Banham car-boot sale GBP3.50
Gaura (pink with dark leaves)
Added on 14 Sep, 2010 | 1 photo
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in winter 2010/2011
2 Sep 2010. Jardiland, Bergerac. 2.70 euros
Gaura (white)
Added on 26 Aug, 2010 | 2 photos
Summer 2010. Given by Richard and Riana
Gaura (pink)
Added on 26 Aug, 2010 | 1 photo
!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 Aug 2010. from Jean-Marie et Maite RANC in Villereal. 4 euros.
Grass (elymus magellanicus)
Added on 23 Aug, 2010 | 1 photo
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spring 2012
4 July 2010. From Will Giles. GBP 6.00. light blue/sil...
Canna 'Valentine'
Added on 13 Jul, 2011 | 1 photo
13 July 2011, 1 x GBP 6.00, fm Amulree Exotics, The Turnpike, Norwich Road, Fundenhall, Norfolk NR16 1EL.
Cat grass
Added on 18 Aug, 2010 | 0 photos
!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't like it at all so we chucked them all
Bought seeds (25g). GBP ...
Lemon Thyme 'Silver Queen'
Added on 1 Mar, 2012 | 1 photo
1 Mar 2012 Cherry Lane Garden Centre @2.49 in a 14cm pot
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2013
Sage tricolour
Added on 14 Jul, 2010 | 0 photos
!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!! - in summer 2010
Bought on 29 June 2010 from Mme Peyronnet Martine, 24335 Port...
Dahlia 'Hawaii'
Added on 8 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos
8 Mar 2012, 1 pounds, Morrisons Diss
!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Planted it but it didn't come up
America fuyo (Rome mallow)
Added on 7 Jul, 2010 | 4 photos
29 June 2010, Mme Peyronnet Martine 24335 Port Ste Foy. 9 euros
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Added on 6 Jul, 2010 | 5 photos
29 June 2010, in Castillonnes, fm Richard.
Begonia 'Bon Fire'
Added on 6 Jul, 2010 | 3 photos
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Summer 2012
Bought on 26 June 2010 @2.50 euro x 2 in Villereal...
Hosta "Fire and Ice"
Added on 16 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos
16 Mar 2012. Mickfielf Hostas. £6.00
***** DEAD ***** in winter/spring 2019
The reverse of h. &#...
Redcurrant 'Jonkheer Van Tets'
Added on 18 May, 2010 | 0 photos
13 May 2010. LiDL in Hawick, The Scottish Borders. 99p FR: Groseille
!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Acer "Shirazz"
Added on 9 May, 2010 | 3 photos
!!!!!DEAD!!!!! - in May 2011
bought in May 2010 from Morrisons, £15.
Cultural info: Shirazz has a semi weep...
Lemon Thyme 'Aureo Gold'
Added on 14 Apr, 2012 | 1 photo
1 May 2012, from Richard, at Castillonnes market, 3 euros
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2013
Added on 11 Aug, 2011 | 5 photos
Seeds picked in Nov 2009 in several places in Japan
Red one died early 2013.
Miniature rose
Added on 6 May, 2010 | 1 photo
Given by David in summer 2009. FR: Rosier Miniature rouge brillant (Rosier produit sous Licence Meilland)
Sedum spathulifolium "Cape Blanco"
Added on 6 May, 2010 | 0 photos
!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!! after winter 2010/2011?
Creamy-grey rosettes producing bright golden yellow f...
Peony Sarah Bernhardt
Added on 5 Apr, 2010 | 0 photos
!!!!!!!!!!!! Dead !!!!!!!!!!!!!! in 2010.
25 March 2010 @GC in Plymouth, in a packet. Pink, double.
Daffodil (double, Apotheose)
Added on 16 Sep, 2011 | 1 photo
11 Sep 2011
About 15 bulbs / net @GBP 1.00 x 2 nets
car-boot sale in Great Yarmouth
yellow outside, orange in...
Lemon Thyme
Added on 12 May, 2012 | 1 photo
4 May 2012, from Richard, at Eymet marktet, 3 euros
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2013
Added on 13 Jul, 2011 | 5 photos
Genus: Aeonium.
Species: Aeonium arboreum.
1) 11 July 2011 from a little place near Diss railway station GBP 1.25 x 2
2) 13 July 2011 from the same place,...
Aeonium haworthii / Pinwheel
Added on 7 Apr, 2010 | 5 photos
Genus: Aeonium.
Species: Aeonium haworthii.
Bought in summer 2009 in Lauzun. A native of the Canary Island. Drought and abuse-tolerant. Dry & hot-weathe...
Agave filifera
Added on 24 Nov, 2010 | 3 photos
Genus: Agave.
Species: Agave filifera.
2009 from Akamba GBP4.50
An unusual agave with sharp spines. Will take several degrees of frost if kept dry i...
Pregnant Onion (Albuca bracteata)
Added on 26 Nov, 2013 | 1 photo
Species: Albuca bracteata.
Got a few babies from Will Giles
Sold a pot with 1 flower stalk at vide-grenier in June 2014.
Potted sever...
Anemone blanda
Added on 20 Dec, 2010 | 0 photos
Genus: Anemone.
Species: Anemone blanda.
19 Dec 2010. Tesco, Great Yarmouth. GBP 1.05 (was 3.00)
Genus: Anemone
Species: blanda
Exposure: Full sun, ...
Aquilegia Biedermeier
Added on 28 Aug, 2010 | 2 photos
Genus: Aquilegia.
Species: aquilegia.
Aug 2010. Cherry Lane Garden Centre.
A dwarf variety with dense clusters of flowers in a range of colours abo...
Yabukoji (Ardisia japonica)
Added on 14 Jul, 2011 | 0 photos
Genus: Ardisia.
Species: Ardisia japonica.
Mar 2011 fm JP
Armeria pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Red'
Added on 6 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo
Genus: Armeria.
Species: Armeria pseudarmeria (Thrift, Sea Pink).
A charming display of colorful, dainty blooms with rosy red pom-pom flowers.
Flowers: Spring
Care: Best if p...
Added on 19 Aug, 2010 | 2 photos
Genus: Asplenium.
Species: Asplenium nidus.
19 Aug 2010. Diss. GBP 1.50 (was 1.89) Min temp. 5 degrees. May - Oct: outdoors. Half shade (i.e. under the tree...
Aster noave-angliae
Added on 29 Oct, 2011 | 1 photo
Genus: Aster.
Species: Aster noave-angliae.
Oct 2011, given by Kath and Charles
*Don't apply too much fertilizer containing Nitrogen
*Do "Chels...
Aster (shiro-kujaku)
Added on 24 Dec, 2014 | 2 photos
Genus: Aster.
Species: Aster ‘Shirokujaku’.
Oct 2011, given by Kath and Charles
Aster ‘Shirokujaku’ ‘白孔雀’(しろくじゃく)
Astilbe Amethyst
Added on 5 Apr, 2010 | 0 photos
Genus: Astilbe.
Species: Astilbe.
"Awamori-sou", bought in March 2010. Pink.
Astilbe Amerika
Added on 5 Apr, 2010 | 1 photo
Genus: Astilbe.
Species: Astilbe arendsii.
"Awamori-so", bought in March 2010 in Plymouth
Astilbe 'America' features graceful, ...
Astrantia 'shaggy'
Added on 15 Mar, 2013 | 2 photos
Genus: Astrantia.
Species: astrantia.
15 Mar 2013
Plant with a tiny shoot growing, given by Simbad :)
Her photo: page 6 in my fav
Added on 23 Jan, 2012 | 6 photos
Species: aubrietia.
spring/summer? 2011
Given by Kath
Daruma hiogi (Blackberry lily/Leopard flower)
Added on 26 Dec, 2011 | 0 photos
Species: Balamcanda chinensis var.cruenta f.vulgaris.
Mar 2011, a few rhizomes fm my parents
Belamcanda chinensis var.cruenta f.vulgaris
probably fuiri (maybe n...