Titchy's Profile

About me
We moved into a bungalow 8 months ago, in Poole Dorset. We dont have a lawn, but a courtyard,and patios all round the back. At the end there is a Gardenslope, quite steep on one side, and most of the slope has wonderful shrubs. Have always been a keen gardener, but here it's a real challenge. Everything in my garden is still trial and error, but I am growing practically everything, from shrubs, climbers, perenials, herbs, dahlias and a few veggies, a lot of it in pots. I am joining "growsonYou" to learn and experiment from other members. So all of you wish my luck with the most enjoable hobbie there is GARDENING.
p.s. my latest love are Kaffir Lillies
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Joined in Apr 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Dorset