By terratoonie
Hello. I’m Truffle, the Smooth Fox Terrier puppy…
Lol. Lol. Lol.
I arrived here in February during the snowstorms !
From day one, Conker the Sheltie started to look after me …
I was taught that wildlife is important and we must protect the bees…
By ten weeks old I had learnt to fetch my plastic dish…
I discovered there’s lots of wonderful fruit and veg. we can grow in our gardens…
Conker is already a keen member of GoY and he was busy helping in the garden, watering pansies which had kindly been sent to us by GoY member, Janette…
I realised I would need to learn how to join in with these garden tasks.
Eating pansies is good fun…
I’m supposed to do something with this watering can, but that doesn’t look quite right…
Ah, this is how you do it. I’m turning into a good little gardener…
This work is very tiring, so I’ll have a quick nap on Conker…
At the end of our gardening day, we curl up together… me on top. Lol.
11 Apr, 2009
Next post: Can we fix it ? YES WE CAN :o)
Hi Skilla ~
Glad this has perked up your cloudy day... :o)
11 Apr, 2009
Enchanting! Truffle thinks he's 'top dog' - is he right? Does he realise Conker conned him into doing the watering?
11 Apr, 2009
Hello Wagger ~
Truffle thinks he is Top Dog...
Conker thinks he is Top Dog ...
I think I am Top Dog...
... so who is really in charge of everyone ???
..... Crocus the budgie... :o)
11 Apr, 2009
Tweet, tweet.
Goodmorning Terra.
11 Apr, 2009
Awwwww, I ooohed and ahhhed all thro' this blog! Thanks so much! Gorgeous doggies.....!!!
11 Apr, 2009
Hi Craftnutter ~
My doggies send oohs and ahhs back to you...
and I send tweets back to Wagger... Lol.
11 Apr, 2009
AHhhhhhh lovely blog TT...... Truffle and Conker are the pic with truffle asleep on Conker.... how cute.... Happy Easter.............
11 Apr, 2009
Happy Easter Holly ~
Conker is VERY patient with Truffle... :o)
11 Apr, 2009
smashing blog tt. loved the pansies too.
11 Apr, 2009
Glad you enjoyed this Sbg :o)
11 Apr, 2009
nice tt both of them look great , top blogging*****
11 Apr, 2009
Oooooooooh, that's a lot of stars, Maccrimmon.
Thank you...I'll tell Truffle he's not fired. LOL.
11 Apr, 2009
Happy Easter TT, Truffle seems to be a lot taller now and he's certainly taking up more room in the dog basket !!! Lovely blog :0)
11 Apr, 2009
Easter Greetings to you, too, Aster ~
Truffle has been looking rather like Bambi in recent weeks ~ all legs and loving eyes. :o)
You're right ~ the dog beds now really don't have "room for two" . Lol.
11 Apr, 2009
Lol! Happy Easter to all of you, too! :-)
11 Apr, 2009
David, Thanks. :o)
11 Apr, 2009
Fabulous blog! with brilliant pictures and lots of humour, Truffle is really doing well and its great to see that there is a brotherly bond formed between Conker and Truffle, my favourite picture is the one where they are both asleep in the same bed ! Happy Easter to you all, love from P.P. and Polly x
11 Apr, 2009
Happy Easter to all of you from myself & Smokey.
11 Apr, 2009
Hi TT, that new puppy looks very well, he seems to have found the right family to live with. You are right, he is "all leg".
Thanks for a lovely blog, love to you all.
11 Apr, 2009
Hello PP and Polly
and Clarice and Smokey
and Marge ~
In the picture with the dog bed and the blue string-and-ball toy, can you see that the long hair on Conker's huge tail wraps all the way under and around Truffle's tummy, and Truffle even has his muzzle nestling in the long tail hair, too. Lol.
Happy Easter to you all. :o)
11 Apr, 2009
Lovely blog, TT and great photos. Truffle has certainly grown 'up' in recent weeks. Lovely to see two dogs so at ease with each other. All the best to you all.
11 Apr, 2009
Hi Gee ~
Truffle and Conker send Easter Greetings to you and yours, and especially lovely Chloe :o)
11 Apr, 2009
Fantastic TT. A lovely blog and two exceptionally beautiful dogs. Definitely fallen on all four feet with you. Happy Easter to you, Truffle, Conker and Crocus.
11 Apr, 2009
Hi Toto ~
I hope you enjoy the holiday weekend.
Easter Greetings to you from TT & C and T & C. :o)
11 Apr, 2009
~gorgeous Truffle and Conker~a credit to you TT!
11 Apr, 2009
That is so delightful TT .. it has made my day .. two super gorgeous doggies , I love them !
I,m so glad that I managed to see them before I get to busy with my visitors tomorrow ..
In fact if you ever get tired of them I know who will have them :o) :o) :o) .........
Happy Easter TT. Truffle Conker and Crocus xx
11 Apr, 2009
Thanks Arlene and Amy ~
We hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend.
TT, Conker, Truffle and Crocus. xxx
P.S. Crocus would like to spend his holidays with Snowball. Lol.
11 Apr, 2009
Made me laugh Terra,he is gangly now bless him,brilliant blog with great photo,s they are both gorgeous dogs.I especially like the pics of them sleeping together.Happy Easter to you all........
11 Apr, 2009
Happy Easter to you Lincslass.
from Terra et al. xxx
11 Apr, 2009
They look so happy together Terra. Happy Easter to you all.
Sophie and me.
11 Apr, 2009
Truffle reminds me of my sons when they were teenagers...all elbows and feet. LOL He's growing like a weed!
11 Apr, 2009
Great blog TT. Conker and Truffle are sooooo sweet. I love the one of them sleeping in their bed. :o)
12 Apr, 2009
Happy Easter TT.
These are some nice photos of Truffle , and Conker of course. Nice that they're helping you in the garden.
12 Apr, 2009
Happy Easter to Ginellie and Sophie, Weeds and sons, Gilli and everyone in BC, and Hywel and Blodyn.
Enjoy your day. :o)
Truffle is getting ready to lose another tooth ~ exciting !
12 Apr, 2009
What lovely pictures Terratoonie, keep them coming. xxx
12 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Daff.
Have a lovely Easter. xxx
12 Apr, 2009
Thanks TT! Hope you all have a lovely easter! Sophie is going mad with all this chocolate in the house, poor girl, it must drive her mad! (for my 2 teenagers sadly, not for me or sophie! )
12 Apr, 2009
Yes, Easter and Christmas are dangerous times for dogs with all the chocolate around. So many owners don't realise that chocolate contains theobromine which, when ingested by dogs, can make them very ill and can kill. :o(
Enjoy your Easter, Craftnutter :o)
12 Apr, 2009
Another fantastic blog TT :o)!!!
Happy Easter to you and all GOY members!!!
12 Apr, 2009
Happy Easter, Aleyna.
Enjoy the holidays :o)
12 Apr, 2009
Thank you TT,
I couldn't go visit the Canyons because of yellow fever threat, which is gone for now due to temperature dropping!
I'm planning to visit the water fall park today, but have to wait family to wake up.
Dora is my only company this early morning... shes all cuddled under the desk waiting for the morning feast :o)
12 Apr, 2009
Hi again, Aleyna ~
have a lovely Easter morning with Dora.
I hope the family don't take too long waking up, so you can visit the waterfall park. :o)
12 Apr, 2009
Such cute and smart doggies! I love th pciture of them sleeping together. It looks like they're good friends!
Happy Easter!
12 Apr, 2009
Hi Raquel ~
Yes, my dogs are very good friends....
... a Terrier and a Sheltie seems an ideal twosome as pets.
Happy Easter to you. :o)
12 Apr, 2009
great TT, i really did enjoy, conker and truffle are so close, i bet you have hours of fun with the two of them. happy easter to you all :)
13 Apr, 2009
Happy Easter to you also.
Truffle has just lost his second tooth... and I found it on the carpet, so I can keep that one, Lol. His Easter gift to me..
I think he swallowed the first tooth...
13 Apr, 2009
yes i remember that one when i had my lab, finding teeth, lol,
13 Apr, 2009
oh thank you how sweet I love the watering can what a treat you made my moring. Have a beautiful day must go take charlie for his moring walk.
13 Apr, 2009
how amusing TT..super photos..Percy was very impressed .well done..enjoy the rest of easter monday xx
13 Apr, 2009
Being a die hard dog lover, I just loved your pictures. We too had a sheltie for 14 yrs. and I still miss him. The terrier is adorable and they seem to get along.
We have a mini long hair dachshund and are getting a new puppy in June. I so hope they can get along as well.
14 Apr, 2009
Great blog..I love the pictures..My fav is the one of Truffle sleeping on top of Conker in the yard, very cute. Conker doesn't look like he minds at all!
Truffle is after growing..Must be from eating so many pansies!
14 Apr, 2009
That's just made my day! You have two lovely friends there, TT. I wish I could have an Apprentice like Truffle but I live in a rented house and I'm not allowed to ... :(
14 Apr, 2009
Fantastic Blog TT :) i giggled all way through it :) What fab photos u got of the Wonderful Duo :) I bet your so proud of them both ? :Summer sends Big Sniffs & Lick :)
14 Apr, 2009
awwww they are both soooo lovely. i love the one of Truffle sleeping on conker.
15 Apr, 2009
What beautiful photos of them both - Conker's expression seems so protectively resigned, especially with Truffle sprawled on top of him. By the way did he put his tooth under his cushion for the doggy fairy ??
15 Apr, 2009
Sorry for the delay in getting back to everyone. My neighbours lowered their fencing, which has resulted in my having to do lots of extra carpentry work... ongoing... :o(
Hello Lujean, Deida and Percy ~
Thanks for all your comments.
Truffle and Conker are still getting on very well. Best of friends :o)
Harli, that's so exciting you're getting a new puppy ! Have you chosen another Dachshund ?
Hi ~ NN. Truffle is forever trying to eat leaves, pansy petals... you name it.... and he's still growing ! Lol.
Peteg, that's a pity your rented house rules don't allow dogs. Maybe I could sneak Conker and Truffle in for a day to work in your garden ? Lol.
Hello Jacque, Summer, Sandra and Terry 60...
Conker and Truffle still cuddle up together...
Truffle has four puppy teeth gone now. He ate two and I found two. Lol. We're going to the pet store today, so maybe the tooth fairy will find something for Truffle...
16 Apr, 2009
Love your blogs, TT! :) The two dogs really seem to get on well together!
The picture of the two sleeping together with the Pansies in the foreground was a really good piece of photography! You humorous comments make the blog came "alive".
16 Apr, 2009
Hello Balcony ~
Thanks for your kind comments :o)
Conker and Truffle spoke all the words...
...I just wrote them down... Lol.
16 Apr, 2009
You're very lovely, Truffle, just like Conker and I'm sure you're a tad mischevious, as well as being an excellent blog writer!!! I shall have to buy you some Bonios and ask for some tips! There's a coincidence,.... my latest blog has just been published!!!!
16 Apr, 2009
Truffle has been more than mischievous today....
... we'll go check out your blog, Paul :o)
16 Apr, 2009
Great photo of Truffle fast asleep on Conker,who doesnt seem to mind being used as a huge soft cushion ! : )
16 Apr, 2009
Conker has much more patience with Truffle than I have...
Truffle is getting more gummy by the minute...
All those baby teeth falling out like hailstones. Lol.
16 Apr, 2009
Have to catch up a bit! I LOVE all the doggie pictures, what sweeties they are!
As we speak I'm surrounded by dog biscuits as Hannah has decided to go into business - have to watch what you eat in the kitchen now!
16 Apr, 2009
That's sounds interesting, Gillian !
Have you eaten any of Hannah's dog biscuits ?
Are they good ? Lol.
Truffle has offered to be official taster for Hannah's cooking.
Is she making the biscuits in shapes designed for canines ? :o)
17 Apr, 2009
AAAawww Puppy Tooth Fairys How Super TT :)
17 Apr, 2009
Hi, Jacque ~
Do you reckon Truffle will deserve a big present for coping bravely with all that teething... ???
...and Conker will deserve an even BIGGER present for coping with Truffle ??? Lol.
17 Apr, 2009
Yes Truffle & Conker are Heroes TT do tell the Tooth Fairy i z so ;)
17 Apr, 2009
I'll tell the tooth fairy ;o)
17 Apr, 2009
Smashing :-)
28 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Sid :o)
28 Apr, 2009
Hi, I am just catching up - I love your Blog Terratoionie! Your dogs look so happy with life, they are gorgeous!
Mildred x
19 May, 2009
Hi Mildred....
I'm pleased you found my blog. :o)
It takes a while to catch up with past photos etc. doesn't it !
Terra. xxx
19 May, 2009
Just loved this blog TT , especially the pics of Truffle lying on top of Conker and the two of them in the basket together.
17 Feb, 2010
Thanks, Skillen...
I made this blog only a few days before Conker first became unwell with his cancer... It's a good thing we don't always know what the future has in store...
17 Feb, 2010
Yes isn't it just! So pleased that things are good now though :~))
Any chance of putting the second last pic on your photo page so I can add it to my favs? If not, don't worry. x
17 Feb, 2010
Thanks Skillen... Conker seems a lot better, and I must stay positive about the fact he has only a one in ten chance of remaining cancer-free. I will add the photo to GoY some time soon, and I'll let you know when I do so... Thanks for
17 Feb, 2010
:~))) x
17 Feb, 2010
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Oh TT thats brilliant, thanks for brightening a dull day!!! I love the one of the upside down watering can LOL!! Tuffle looks like he's coming on a treat! :0)
11 Apr, 2009