By sueb
News Flash !
This is the evil leader of the flower pot people” Terra-Cotta.” He was discovered lurking in a Hampshire flower pot in the back garden of Sueb’s mother-in-law Batty Betty.
It’s not known if she is the ringleader (B B) or if she had called on the seven dwarfs S.W.A.T team (Seven With Axe n Trowels) to foil the dastardly plan to foil the Wellie Olympics. Keep your eyes peeled!!
16 Jul, 2009
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Oh, well-spotted, Sue :o)
This FPP looks especially evil... :o(
The other rival team to the GoY Wellie Olympians is the Fancy Dress Gnomes, but they've never been such serious threat....
... however, is that a gnome lurking at the back, one we need to keep an eye on... ???
If this photo emerges on the GoY garden photos, that would be helpful, please, so that it can go on my favourites, with the other FPP, and be kept under observation. :o)
Mobee.. are there photos of your FPP on GoY ?
16 Jul, 2009
Great blog Sue. He looks to be a very shady character. I do believe that gnome also has a glint of evil in his eye.
16 Jul, 2009
Hi Gilli ~
Amy is back... we've been waiting for her advice on the Brussels Sprouts rooting in water... Check out the postcard photo thread by Irish. :o)
16 Jul, 2009
hi Tt not as yet still learning to deal with this dreaded laptop Lol but will work on it think we need to watch for the Gnomes i have couple carrying spades,lights 1 sitting winking........if they think there gonna sabotage my plants god help them Lol!!!!!!
16 Jul, 2009
Hi Mobee...
Good to know you are on the alert...
..take your time with getting to understand the laptop and photos. If you need any advice, message me and I'll try to help....
Meanwhile.. keep watching those winking gnomes. Lol.:o)
16 Jul, 2009
Oh thanks Tt son & daughter trying very hard to teach me Lol.They have become exhausted with me.I do what they tell me but end up getting it wrong.eldest daughter has degree in computers,but even she`s in dire straits with me:~)))))i end up going into fits of giggles (tee hee)and they leave me to my own devices:~(
16 Jul, 2009
I had trouble when first trying to put pics on GoY.
Maybe you can make some step-by-step hand-written instructions which you have written down yourself as your daughter shows you, so it will be in terms you understand...
Please do message me if you think I can help. We can then giggle together. Lol.
16 Jul, 2009
Will do Tt but i warn u it wont b easy Lol,u cud end up crying pulling ur hair out.just sent a comment to other GoYer tried to move bar so i cud start new paragraph(big 1 with arrow ) looked it was gone sent......half a commentLol!!!!!!!
16 Jul, 2009
Lol. Half a comment is better than none. :o)
16 Jul, 2009
Thanks Mobee TT and Gilli I'm sure Batty Betty is encouraging them!!
16 Jul, 2009
Oh thats brilliant Sueb, I did notice that you had strategically placed some leaves to hide his embarrasment :o))
16 Jul, 2009
Trust you to notice that Bob! (its all Bobs fault!!!)
One question Sueb, Where can I get an eye peeler???
16 Jul, 2009
Thanks Bob and Ian ~ well you can thank Batty Betty for that she loves what she calls wildflowers in her pots note the dead plant!
17 Jul, 2009
The dead plant adds "structure and interest"... lol.....
well done Batty Betty :o)
17 Jul, 2009
17 Jul, 2009
That's not a dead plant....that's a scientific study on secondary microsuccession and decomposition in vegetative matter. Very important for CSI:plants.
18 Jul, 2009
Gilli swallowed the RHS Encyclopaedia of Garden Plants .. and there's no known antidote !!! :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Wow Gilli how long have you known about Batty Betty's secret life by day mild mannered but very strange old lady by night CSI Investigator:Botany
TT ~Now thats a lot to swallow!!
18 Jul, 2009
What? :~((
18 Jul, 2009
Looks like a lovely weed you have with your flowerpot man
19 Jul, 2009
That Flower Pot Man has moved since I last visited this blog.... not to be trusted...
and, yes, Jennyb, Weed also looks a bit shifty...
19 Jul, 2009
have to keep an eye on the flower pot man
20 Jul, 2009
Little Weed....and "was it Bill or was it Ben...? Which of those two Flowerpot Men......"
21 Jul, 2009
LOL Sue.......It's amazing what a bit of investigative research will turn up. Batty Betty....aka Special agent B. Betty. In addition to the decomposition study on the expired plant, she is also keeping the FPman under surveilance.
24 Jul, 2009
Sue has done well to put us all on the alert !
... from Pondlady and Gilli in Canada to Pottygardener in Wales we need to keep a watch out in our gardens for evil Terra-Cotta's supporters.
Sue ~ have you visited Batty Betty lately ?
Any up to date news of Terra-Cotta ???
24 Jul, 2009
Check out Mushybanna's pic entitled Water Plant Flower...
one of Terra-Cotta's allies ???
24 Jul, 2009
I don,t like the look of this at all , nasty little flower pot people , I thought they had been to quiet for to long , what are they planning now ..
Do you think BB is being held hostage by Terra Cotta ? has she managed to get a secret message through to the SWAT team !!!
24 Jul, 2009
We'll have to await a report from Sue.... :o(
24 Jul, 2009
Sorry been away for a while I'm off to see BB on Saturday IWill report back ASAP!
24 Jul, 2009
And I thought I was MAD :~)))
24 Jul, 2009
No Ian , your alright , it,s the others you have to worry about .....LOL...
24 Jul, 2009
Look just because your parinoid doesn't mean their NOT out to get you
24 Jul, 2009
Parinoid Mad No! Ian you just don't understand they're mission is to take over the Wellie Olympics. Who knows where it will stop. Their out to get us all!! Are you one of them in disguise?
Terra-Cotta was gone on Saturday the pot had been replanted weed was eliminated, but I know he's still in the garden somewhere I just have to keep looking.
Gilli .....I'm not sure I trust Batty Betty she is easily won over by cream cake and tea and that bottle of water she insists she carry around I’m sure it’s gin.
27 Jul, 2009
Can you get 6' 5" flower pot people? I had kinda imagined them all to be sawn offs (at the knees that is)
27 Jul, 2009
Sue ~
Your mission is to visit Batty Betty again some time soon and photograph evil Terra-Cotta in his new location...:o)
27 Jul, 2009
Ian I think you should look at this link
27 Jul, 2009
Ok TT will do working at the nursery for the next 3 weeks solid ( very busy ) so will go after that.
27 Jul, 2009
Now the last time someone (who shall remain nameless) sent me a link, It was ... well shall we say it wasn't the kind of thing you expect over your cornflakes !!!!!
By the way, it was my brother :-((
27 Jul, 2009
Here's another link ......to one of Peter's photos...
a human-size Flower Pot Person. Lol.
and again, being escorted by Police on Arlene's photo ~
27 Jul, 2009
OOooowerrrrr their taking over............ HELP. !!!!!!!!!
27 Jul, 2009
The FPP are everywhere... :o)
27 Jul, 2009
In fact... Google " Flower Pot People ", and you will see this photo and this page..... take a look !
13 Oct, 2009
Ahh! I just did ....How did that happen ?.... Has BB been up to no good ?
13 Oct, 2009
This is an especially fantastic photo... to be admired globally..Lol....
...and maybe we've found how the Flower Pot People are able to sabotage the GoY Wellie Olympians...
....they've taken over Google...:o(
13 Oct, 2009
Oh No!!!!!!!!
13 Oct, 2009
Check out Hollyeves' new blog today....
the Flower Pot People are infiltrating the coastal regions.:o(
13 Oct, 2009
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great blog sue Lol have couple of these myself,will have to b on the lookout,watch them closely case they start missbehavin any nonsence back in potting shed for them Lol!!!!!
16 Jul, 2009