New gates
By sewingkilla
Finally got my new gates today, friend of a friend made them for us but poor bloke has been so behind with his work due to the bad weather that he’s about 2-3 weeks behind!
Really pleased with them though now i can leave the back door open in the summer (ha summer!) and get a breeze through the house as well as being in the garden and not having to lock the back door (its on the side of the house) every time i go into the garden, with not having good hearing i never sat in the house and left the door open, too many sneak thieves these days!
I went to the garden centre this morning needed some more compost, no i didn’t buy any plants!! thats a first! I did buy a metal flower for £4.99 it just caught my eye and i wanted something to hold up some Gladioli that the wind keeps blowing over, its nicer than a bamboo stick! Got some peanuts for the birds and put them in the new apple shaped holder.
Well it was nice to see some sunshine today had a walk round the garden, lots of things falling over due to the heavy rain and wind, was going to cut the grass but it kept clouding over and threatening rain so i didn’t, probably regret not doing it but the gate man was here all afternoon too so i put it off. My husband is off for 2 weeks now i haven’t shown him the list of D.I.Y i have for him yet LOL!!
This has flowered in recent days its a cutting i took last year from one my friend gave me, Penstenom ‘Sour Grapes’, she didn’t like the colour but i think its lovely. I have some more Penstenoms to put in that i’ve grown from seed but it just hasn’t been the weather has it?
Right off for a cup of tea and watch Coronation street!!!
31 Jul, 2009
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Very nice gate - You'll feel very secure now.
31 Jul, 2009
Very smart gates ~ flower fab ~ penstemon great colour~ sorry it's short got to dash!! X
31 Jul, 2009
Lovely pics....your new gate looks very smart, and I really like the metal flower :)
31 Jul, 2009
Your new gates look very your round bird feeder...i have some of the metal flowers but they glow in the dark.............
1 Aug, 2009
Lovely job with the gates ..think metal flowers a great idea but probably need coating with WD40 .Like the round feeder might be just the thing as woodpecker busy destroying one if our feeders as I write ..
1 Aug, 2009
Gate is lovely. Acting really crazy so much so that everyone knows it and no one would come handy also helps! lol.
1 Aug, 2009
oh didn't know that Bonkersbon thanks for tip!
1 Aug, 2009
You will feel a lot safer with the gates, SK. One of the first things I did when I moved here was put a bolt on the side gate! I'm sure we will get some more summer and then you will really appreciate the freedom the gates give you to wander around the garden without locking up the house.
1 Aug, 2009
lovely gates and all that extra security is so appealing.
1 Aug, 2009
Like all above, I think your new gates are beautiful; they look very sturdy, too.
3 Aug, 2009
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Very smart Sk and well worth the wait,I understand what you mean about having gates to protect your privacy and the safety aspect and I,m afraid its life now ( sad world ).That Penstemon is a .lovely colour,I,m growing some from seed as well and so far they are all red.Lol.
31 Jul, 2009