i like phone calls like this...
By sandra
I run a small nursery and from time to time i get phonecalls from people asking for help. can we have a raffle prize, it for a good cause? i now keep a stock of raffle plants.lol some phone for plant advice or seaking a certain plant. but my favorite phone calls are from people looking for someone to care for a plant ,plants, or even the odd collection that has for one reason or another got to go…..
one lady was moving to California and had been to one of our open days. and please wwould we give some of her plants a loving home as she couldn’t take them with her…
a man whos wife had told him its me or the cactus…..they did live in a tiny house and he had ten realy big specimens that were suffering as she had banned them to the landing so the grandkids didn’t do themselves an injury…..
sadly a few arrive as thier owners have passed away and nobody in the family wants them.
i think i have a plant rescue centre…lol
here are some of the afore mentioned rescuees……
these are just a few……..
any way yesterday i had one of these phone calls from a gentleman with a cactus collection……i’m off to see it on friday and he wants ME to do HIM a favour and take them on….which ones? how many? how big? how heallthy? how am i going to contain myself till friday…
and not only do i get some new plants i also get to meet the expert who grew them and learn lots while im there…:-)))
22 Jul, 2009
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thanks Mobee
yes i do. i'm sure it helps..he he
22 Jul, 2009
Wow Sandra, How are you going to contain yourself?
I always thought I had the best job in the world until I read your blog :~))
Good luck with the new adoptees
22 Jul, 2009
It's lovely that people recognise you as a rescue centre :)
I'd give to you if i were closer !
23 Jul, 2009
this is a brilliant idea, I wonder how often people have moved etc and just dumped unwanted plants!!
are you able to sell all these on in your nursery? extra pennies always a bonus
x x x
23 Jul, 2009
Good blog, Sandra....
Lovely that you've rescued these plants, and learnt such a lot along the way... :o)
23 Jul, 2009
lovely blog. family and friends do the same with me. i have been given some stunners over the years.
23 Jul, 2009
How lovely to be trusted with someones pride and joy. I often feel like rescuing house plants from people who just haven't got a clue.
23 Jul, 2009
Oooooooooo how exciting Sandra i bet u cant wait 2 see whats there :) Im so glad they found u as i know u have the best home 4 them ;)
23 Jul, 2009
Ian i do love my job...wages are rubbish but i get bonuses like this one...
Louise its lovely when i get surpeises like this
Moonkins the cacti/succulents are my passion. i do sell a few babies taken from some of the plants but mostly i sell hedging shrubs.
TT i've learnt so much from my customers.
Seaburngirl i bet they are glad to give them to you.
Grannysue i do feel lucky to be trusted to take care of these plants. and yes i have to hold my tounge when i see sorry plants in some peoples houses.
Jacue, i am very excited to go and see them tomorrow....
23 Jul, 2009
He he - great blog - "Plant Rescue Centre" LOL
23 Jul, 2009
Hey hey...I can understand the 'it's me or the cactus ' man!!
23 Jul, 2009
thanks Sid...
Fluff i think cacti are like marmite....u either love en or hate em...i love there shapes colours and the different ways the grow then every now and then they pop up amazing flowers...but i can see lack of space, small children and spikey plants dont mix...
23 Jul, 2009
Ha ha, bet you don't sleep tonight for the excitement of seeing the plants tomorrow...:o))
23 Jul, 2009
thats about right Pottygardener...
i think its a form of recycling. the whole family bring all their cast offs here to be recycled. clothes, furniture, plants every think including their kitchen sinks. i have three stainlless steel ones and five butler sinks at the last count i plan to use them all one day in the garden. i think they've been here for about three years.;-))
23 Jul, 2009
I am very new to this website and have to I absolutley love it so much advice and good stories I started getting excited about your idea of maybe starting a plant rescue center but thought twicw when I realized I live in the city in a apartment on the secong floor with only a front and back porch for space. so it wouldnt work but a great thought to keep in the noggin until I get some space thanks and if i took on this type of project I think my husband would put me in the same spot as the cactus guy lol,lol,lol
24 Jul, 2009
Much better the plants going to a 'rescue centre' than the dump. Must make sure that our son has up to date contacts for offering our garden to when pass on. Maybe write it in the will?
24 Jul, 2009
So, what did you get Sandra? ;-)
24 Jul, 2009
Yeah, thats what I want to know????????
24 Jul, 2009
it was like christmas had come....i have never seen such a collection.......so healthy so big and all labeled....i am going on monday to pick them up as i need help.....
i'm getting nervous now about the responcibility of taking them on..Mr. Ashton is so knowledgable i was there for two hours in the greenhouse with him...
he dosent want anything for them but he said he was delighted to pass them on to someone a enthusiastic as me. but he is going to let me help him prune his lovely garden in the autumn.
the rest of my day has been taken up with moving and cleaning my collection. firstly to fit all the newbies in on monday but also because i was ashamed ot the cobwebs and untidyness of mine after seeing such an awesome display at Mr Ashtons.....
24 Jul, 2009
Sandra can't answer you right now...she's been captured by cacti, sucked up by succulents & buried under bromeliads!! ;0)
24 Jul, 2009
Or maybe not......
24 Jul, 2009
thats about right Fluff. i am out selling plants tomorrow at our local hospital fete. but sunday i'll be back in my shed preparing for the arrival of the Ashton collection.....dont know how im going to contain myself. i have never seen such plants....i could have stayed all afternoon but i had to pick up my daughter Lilly...
24 Jul, 2009
Wow that sounds fun-tastic Sandra, Tut, cobwebs? this will never do Lol
24 Jul, 2009
i know Ian i was ashamed of my plants when i got home. i've only just stopped. but now all my big one have been outside showerd, dusted and repositioned . they look so much better now....most of the Ashton collection ( as they are now refered to...lol) are cacti but there are a couple of succulents and two big agave victoriae reginae...google them they are lovely ..no spikey bits on the ends...
24 Jul, 2009
They sound positively cuddly Sandra Lol
24 Jul, 2009
you'd need some serious protecton to cuddle the cacti....but i have beeb lusting after one of these agave for years.....my niegbour gets one of them as shes been wanting one too.
24 Jul, 2009
24 Jul, 2009
What a lovely, happy blog! I'm so pleased for you - and Mr Ashton will be happy about his collection being valued, too. :-)
24 Jul, 2009
I have enjoyed this blog Sandra. It is a rea;l pleasure to have someone like you showing such enthusiasm. No wonder people bring their plants to you.
25 Jul, 2009
thanks folks.
oh i will value it. but i am a bit nervous about the responcibility....
we have rain forcast tomorrow so i am spending the best part of the day in my shed trying to consturuct tables ready for their arrival on monday.....
25 Jul, 2009
I dont usually follow blogs but this was very interesting Sandra, every job I ever did money was the priority but I envy someone who has found something they get real pleasure from - priceless !!
26 Jul, 2009
it would be nice to earn more money...we are working on it....but we do enjoy other benefits from living here...its our piece of heaven...;-))
26 Jul, 2009
Lovely blog and well done you - but I have to say that cacti are not my favourites! Although I do love the magnificent Agaves growing along the edge of one of our mountain roads and their "swan song" when they throw up the fantastic tall flower stalk, then die, has to be one of the spectacular things in nature.
27 Jul, 2009
First there was Battersea Dogs Home, now Pembrokeshire Plants Home!!!
27 Jul, 2009
they are here..........whoop whoop ouch.....there was blood but no tears in the process...
27 Jul, 2009
Yay! Do we get to see pictures ? ;-)
27 Jul, 2009
Yes, we want pictures :-))
27 Jul, 2009
pictures and a blog just done....
27 Jul, 2009
Wooooo Hoooooo :-))
27 Jul, 2009
Must check this one out! Good for you Sandra!
29 Jul, 2009
I've only just cought up with this. So that's how you got your collection. How wonderful.
29 Jul, 2009
isn't it just Hywel...ive never seen so many cacti at one time. i'm in seventh heaven...
29 Jul, 2009
I'm jealous. lol
29 Jul, 2009
im going to try and devide a few. i've had good sucess in the past. so maybe i'll have some to share with you Hywel.
29 Jul, 2009
Great :o)
29 Jul, 2009
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Great pics sandra plants look really healthy.Dont no if you do it? but sometimes hubby catches me talking to them,just shakes his head Lol,well we have to make them feel at home..... specially little orphan ones....:~))))))
22 Jul, 2009