still some summer colour left
By sanbaz
trying to tidy up my garden a bit before i have my op friday and noticed i still have a few plants hanging on in there after summer,once these are gone i wont have much there for winter, just havent felt up to planting but there`s always next year, at least im keeping it tidy,
will be looking forward to the bulbs showing their little heads
5 Oct, 2009
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You've still got quite a bit of colour there, i'm clinging onto colour in mine too.
I don't want to let go of summer :-(
5 Oct, 2009
bless mine has all gone except the occasional rose bud
best of luck at hospital the sooner the better
x x x
5 Oct, 2009
Lovely pic's Sandra, good luck for Friday what are you haveing done ? the garden will be fine while your missing get better soon. Les x.
5 Oct, 2009
Still looking lovely San,I`m only removing plants when they have really finished,I keep deadheading every day and while they flower I`ll hang on to
5 Oct, 2009
thankyou Terra, louise,jen,stripes, and lincs :o))
im having my gallbladder out stripes, had alot of pain for last 2 years but alot worse this year, so soon be up and running round my garden again soon :o) thanx for you wishes jen x
so im hanging onto my plants with my teeth till im better lol
5 Oct, 2009
Looks Fab San :) Many of mine r still flowering but im pulling them out or the Spring Bulbs/Plants i want 2 plant will flower 2late :(
5 Oct, 2009
thats the only problem jacque,, ive popped a few bulbs in but i might get some more before its to late, i wont be able to do the garden till the end off oct/beginning of november, so will see, anyway if not i can fill in with ready potted bulbs from GC cant i :o)
5 Oct, 2009
Why dont u pot up some Brought Bulbs San? Iv done that lots in the past & its much cheaper ;)
5 Oct, 2009
i do have a few pots done jacque, but your right think i will do some more and save some money, thanx :o))
5 Oct, 2009
You have lots of colour for October San, including a late Lupin. I recon the general consensus is to hang on to everything even if it only seed heads, Winter's long enough. I leave Astilbe, Echinacea, Hydrangea ect. better than just soil to look at.
5 Oct, 2009
5 Oct, 2009
thanx heron, your right, i hate it when no flowers left i have plenty of lupin seeds this year to, so im happy, one of my favourite flowers :o)
5 Oct, 2009
Wee plants look lovely Sandra, You can get cheap bulbs if you check around as Jacque says. Best Wishes for friday xxxx
5 Oct, 2009
thanx mobee, yes ive seen lots in the shops cheap, will pick some up tomoz x
5 Oct, 2009
Oh Sandra i didnt know you were going into hostpital so soon, you will feel like a new woman afterwards, dont worry about the garden it will be fine :) its you that needs looking after, ill be thinking of you hun XXX
5 Oct, 2009
aww thanx Dee, yes its come round fast, a bit nervous but i will be glad to get it done, thanx for your good wishes Dee x
5 Oct, 2009
Good luck for Friday Sandra .. is it keyhole surgery you having ? Hope you dont feel too much like a new woman kinda like the old one .. of course Dee quite right about the garden , time to concentrate on getting yourself right.
5 Oct, 2009
cheersjane/ray, keyhole im hoping, they will try , i wont know till i wake up :o( ive already had an op in the same area so depends if it can be done, ,i think i will be pretty much the same ol me lol :o)
5 Oct, 2009
Thats good to hear .. and you should be home soon after so hope Baz practising his bed side manner.
5 Oct, 2009
The garden is still looking pretty Sandra , youv'e done well to look after it at all ..
Good luck for Friday , we shall all be keen to know that you have been and it's all over and done with .
We shan't be able to keep up with you next year , you will be up and running .. :o)
5 Oct, 2009
lol amy :o)) thankyou
i dont know how to take that comment ray lol, hehehe
5 Oct, 2009
Your garden still looking good, i've got a some cuttings for you and some bulbs aswell, will see you wednesday morning, will have kettle on about 9-30am x
5 Oct, 2009
great carol, ive got a few cutting for you to :o)), appointment not till 1pm carol, couldnt fit angelina in early is that ok with you :o)
5 Oct, 2009
Hello Sanbaz, just looking at blogs and I think your garden is beautiful. I do like the white lupin and is that two Japaneze Anenomes? (the pink and the white ones)
5 Oct, 2009
Just you ll need some looking after Sandra and some Tlc ..night night x
5 Oct, 2009
Lovely as always San!!
Loads of vibrant colours and nice to still see.
Good luck with everything. Sure you'll be fine:0)
5 Oct, 2009
hi carol and thankyou, glad you like my garden, yes pic 4 is japaneze anenomes, first year so hope its bigger and better next year :o)
thanx ray i must say baz has been so good while ive not been well and is taking a week off to take care of me :o)
cheers Dan and im sure your right, just getting a bit nervous now its only days off, its now 1.15am and not sleeping lol so thought a bit of GOY theropy would help :o)
6 Oct, 2009
Lovely Sandra. You have so many plants still in flower. It's nice to see them. I'm looking forward to the bulbs aswell. Spring and autumn are my best seasons
6 Oct, 2009
Good old Baz - less of the old Dan!!
Ali has gone in this morning for her 6-monthly check up so I have an idea of your anxiety as she always goes quiet the day before.
Chin up and you'll be out feeling stronger within weeks, I'm sure.
Thinking of you both. Cup of tea while you're home Baz!!!!
6 Oct, 2009
thankyou hywel glad you like them, yes i love spring everything is so fresh and colourfull :o)
Dan, i do unerstand what Ali is feeling, im the same even though my checks are 4 year gaps now, its just that little niggling feeling in your head when the time comes, im sure she will be fine, but it is a releaf when that check is over,
your a good man and know you care about Ali sooo much
take care good wishes to Ali from myself and baz xx
6 Oct, 2009
I'm sure it will still be in colour when you return home. Hope you won't be away from GoY for too long. Look forward to seeing your pics again.
8 Oct, 2009
thankyou Tog, im hoping to be back soon to, will miss you all :o) x
8 Oct, 2009
Good Luck Sanbaz, Hope its Keyhole,and ill miss you loads.. Love Dee X
8 Oct, 2009
awww thanx Dee x
8 Oct, 2009
Best wishes from me too San :) Hope all goes well and you make a speedy recovery xx
8 Oct, 2009
thanx Di, cya soon xx
8 Oct, 2009
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Sandra, your garden is still looking beautiful. :o)
5 Oct, 2009