The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Joolz68

Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Just saying hi to you all,ive just joined,i followed an echium pininana post from google as ive bought one and this is where i have landed. cheers julie x



Hi Julie, you will find us a friendly lot but be warned, the site is addictive!

23 Aug, 2012


Hi Julie welcome to GOY.

23 Aug, 2012


Hi Julie and welcome

23 Aug, 2012


Hi J. Welcome aboard! I've only been a member a little while but it's the only Forum I've stayed with for any length of time because it is completely helpful, fascinating and as stergram says totally habit forming! If you need any hints and tips for uploading photos or questions or creating a blog there is always someone online to lend a hand :-) We are a very diverse bunch so whether you have a few planters or Kew gardens we all just muck in together.

23 Aug, 2012


Thanks steragram.. ive been looking through the last few days posts and commented on one,im still learning in the garden,theres so much to know and ao much i will never know :O) ive got alsorts of projects going.. growing bottlebrush varieties for 2 yrs,fell in love with fuchsias so been collecting them,2 ponds to keep me busy on bog n pond plants,just started a tropical theme as the slugs ate 90% of the 1000 or so plants i grew from seed this yr :O( Also growing a trial run of tabacco plants lol
Its not been the greatest summer for us this yr for sure but i carried on and planning for next yrs heatwave lol
My back garden is approx 150ft x 50ft wide so i have had a lot of ground to cover lol x

23 Aug, 2012


Cheers for the welcomes :O) hope to pick all your brains lol x

23 Aug, 2012


Hi Julie. Welcome, I know you will find everyone Cheerful and Helpful on here as I did, enjoy finding your way round here and hope to see you posting pictures of your garden as I'm a nosy so & so LOL :o)))) xx Jackie xx
P.S. Remember to write a about yourself, well thats if you want too.

23 Aug, 2012


Thanks julienorth,im unsure on quoting people comments?? can you do that on here? e.g.i wanted to ask DRC726 (after just checking profile) if she is a daylilly fan as that summer wine is stunning and ive started collecting them :O)
i will have a good flick about tomo and try and get the jist of things thou x

23 Aug, 2012


Hi ladyessex1,i hope i didnt over do it sorry,i just thought id mention things ive got going on lol i will put pics on tomo and sort my profile out and try and add as much info as possible..ask away aswell i love questions :O) x

23 Aug, 2012


A welcome from me too :)
If you have a question for a specific member you can use the private message option which you can do by going to that members profile page and select leave a message. Alternatively you can leave a comment on a specific picture for that member (and others) to see.
Enjoy the site. Its great :)

23 Aug, 2012


Thanks scottish,im still trying to sort pics out lol x

23 Aug, 2012


Yes I am one of many Daylily fans on here J. The more you join in the more we love it. Its a great site for gardeners and addictive.

23 Aug, 2012


Gorgeous summer wine daylilly Drc :O) i will try and post mine when i know what im doing on here lol ive tried a link to my photobucket but i dont know if thats worked or if just for certain albums ..dunno :O) x

23 Aug, 2012


Here's another welcome for you :o)

24 Aug, 2012


.... and another!

24 Aug, 2012


Me too :0)

24 Aug, 2012


yep and welcome from me too.

24 Aug, 2012


From me to. I'm a Heucheraholic and have quite a few fuchsias as well. I'm sure with your open greeting to goyers, and your good sized garden you will thrive on GOY.

24 Aug, 2012


I,m having to ' tie my thumbs together' Dorjac.....I want some lime green ones but have sort of decided to wait until spring..........

24 Aug, 2012


I'm FORCED to wait Pamg - I can only get them if we take a ferry trip to Britain. Not on the cards at the moment!

24 Aug, 2012


I suppose that they wouldn't do well in the post Nariz.....

I've just moved mine from pots into a big sandstone trough.......I lost a couple last winter and want to be sure that these will survive

I'm already chocaholic and I think that I'm becoming heucheraholic as well. :0)

24 Aug, 2012


... and a big welcome from me too!!!

24 Aug, 2012


Thank you for all the welcomes :O) xx im running a bit slow trying to upload photos to my profile but getting there ,i will pop some daylillys and fuchsia,i think ive collected 14 varieties of daylillly and about 30 varieties of just hooping i can keep them alive threw winter aswell :O) xx

24 Aug, 2012


Is that you Joolz, thought I recognised those daylily pictures ;-), welcome from me too you'll love this site everyones really friendly and helpful.

26 Aug, 2012


Yes its me kathy lol everyones been great and loads of lovely welcomes,im still finding my way round,i think i spent 2 hrs last night on slideshow viewing members gardens which was brill and so many lovely borders,ponds etc x

26 Aug, 2012


Hi Joolz and welcoem to GOY

1 Sep, 2012


Hi Jooiz. A Big Welcome from Me too :o)) xx Jackie xx

2 Sep, 2012


hello Joolz welcome :))

16 Mar, 2013


I have found the best way is to Export photos with a file name, from your photo collection. Ask Karensue, she helped me very much in the beginning. I still am no expert though... Glad you are aboard, you will enjoy the trip and the passengers are wonderful.

5 Jul, 2013

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