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Please can anyone put a name to this rose??

West Somerset, England

I will post another one of it open on my page. There are four on the trellis and I now know the names of three of them! I'd love to know what this one is. It is more of a very large bush, trained on the trellis, than the normal climbers or ramblers.

On plant Rosa



I've got to ask?
Are you 'bovvered', lolol.

I don't know the answer though, soz. :o) These dratted yellow roses are causing us some probs eh?

10 Jun, 2009


Llew, It's because I was constantly asked last week by visitors for the names of every rose in the garden!!!
I was hoping to look a bit knowledgeable about the ones they pass on the way in tomorrow...

10 Jun, 2009


Ah, yes. Visitors. That makes sense then.

I did chuckle at your question though 'cause of what you said to me the other day, lol.

10 Jun, 2009


is it speck's gold? this was sold in woolies back in the mid 70's its the right shape for it.

10 Jun, 2009


Llew, I know the ones I planted, and I know some of the others...but I shall have to make it up, I think, if I get asked about any I don't know! Milky thinks it should be called 'Jennifer' !! lol.

I'll check it out, Sbg! Thanks. :-)

10 Jun, 2009


If I don't know the Latin name of a plant, I always call it a thingywotsit anonymosa. I'm sure you can think of a suitable 'non' name for a rose too. How about 'Yellow Tagless'?

10 Jun, 2009


Is it a clustered bush or a HT type bush?

Is it scented?

10 Jun, 2009


It is so tall and spread out that I can't reach the top even on steps! No, it's not scented. It's more like an HT as the flowers grow singly.

10 Jun, 2009


the danger then is people believe you.
i read in one garden mag that a well known grower had added acer seedling plants to the local church stall with the tag Acer 'no name'. meaning just the species. 2 yrs later same plant back as 'noname' [no nar may].

one of my brothers set up a fish tank with invisible fighting fish. people saw them lol

10 Jun, 2009


That is SOOO funny, Sbg! You really made me laugh. I tried to google Speck's Gold' but no results. :-( I don't see why I shouldn't call it that, though! Do you?

10 Jun, 2009


there is also a climbing form of speck's gold that was listed 3 yrs ago. you could always say 'it was in the garden when we moved in and i think it might be an old variety from the 70's called specks gold. then you are not fibbing npassing on wrong info.
i'll have to get a cushion. sitting on the fence is novel for me and i might get splinters in my bottom lol.
is it open day again tomorrow?

10 Jun, 2009


Yep - sure is! Grass cut, edges edged, heads duly headed, Patty has a new flower ....:-) and Henry scrabbled the lawn with a stone he pinched out of the stream while I was heaving Jacob's Ladder out of the bank! BIG trouble!

It all kicks off early, when the WI arrive to set up their tables and my friend comes with her bee-you-ti-ful tempting plants!

10 Jun, 2009


they cant be more beautiful than yours surely? do you not propagate yours to sell too?

10 Jun, 2009


It couldn't be something as simple as 'Peace' could it. I can see a pink tinge to it and they can grow tall when left to their own devices.

I couldn't find Specks Gold either. Strange!!!

10 Jun, 2009


Yes, I have a whole lot of had some! and I rooted some plants as well. I must root more of the Erigeron karvinskianus for next year - lots of people wanted them. They are all over the garden, so I should have thought about doing a whole lot.

No it's definitely not 'Peace'...I don't actually like that, so I'd know!

10 Jun, 2009


It's no good. There's just too darned many, lol.

I'm off to buy a book. :o)

10 Jun, 2009


It looks a bit like Rosa 'Golden Showers' this is a David Austin and a climber, your bloom could be a little pale, but it could be the photo/light

10 Jun, 2009


You can see for yourself, Andrea...not long now!

Yes, it's cream, not yellow. I don't think our predecessors would have bought a DA rose, to be honest!

10 Jun, 2009


Believe it or not, there is a picture of that selfsame rose on page 779 of Botanica 1997 edition. It's called 'Lady Hillingdon'.

10 Jun, 2009


'Lady Hillingdon' is a scented rose though, Bumble.

10 Jun, 2009


why did you laugh at calling it Jennifer, its a cool name......... especially as its also mine hehe

x x x

11 Jun, 2009


Don't think it's Golden Showers- that's a much more vivid yellow introduced in the mid '50's

11 Jun, 2009


It's not Golden Showers, you're right Wagger (what a name). Could be Peace, that's what it reminds me of, but Peace does have a faint fragrance. There is a lesson here Spritz - keep the labels;-)

11 Jun, 2009


There was one called Spek's Yellow (rather than Speck's Gold) - try googling for pictures of that one
(too late for today's opening though - sorry)

11 Jun, 2009

How do I say thanks?

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