Such a pretty plant
By Silverback
United Kingdom
I love blue bells but they are spreading everywhere.How do i keep them under control.I have been told they are protected but does that count in your garden ?

2 May, 2008
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spring bulbs
Thanks for the reply.My sister is moving house today maybe she would like some for her new garden.
3 May, 2008
It would be a pity to disturb them while they are in flower, but they transplant well 'in the green' ie. after they have flowered and while they still have green leaves.
3 May, 2008
The ones in your photo are Spanish Bluebells - if your sister has English ones, they will hybridise. Just so you are aware...Have you got both in your garden?
3 May, 2008
I have them all over my garden and they are a fabulous show! They'll go away soon and don't seem to be a problem. I have pink, white and blue ones. They're also easy to just dig up.
3 May, 2008
Thanks for all the replies.I did not realise they were Spanish. No she has not got any Bluebells .I think they are a nice plant but one of my Labradors has a habit of digging plants up.
3 May, 2008
I know it's a pain but pulling off the spent flowering stems before they set seed will stop them spreading everywhere
3 May, 2008
Spanish bluebells are becoming a bit frowned upon as, as Spritz says, they hybridise with our native bluebells, pure bred strains of which are becoming increasingly rare as a result. So, if your sister lives anywhere near a coloney of native bluebells, the responsible thing would be to not plant the Spanish ones.
5 May, 2008
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Hi, they are protected in England in the wild. But in your own garden I would dig the excess clumps up repot them and pass on to friends.
3 May, 2008