bring color to patio in pots
By Moe
United States
what can I grow in pots that will come back every year, can I grow a vine in a pot that will come back every year.
1 May, 2008
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container garden ideas
patio ideas
Welcome! What you plant will depend on where the pots are - sun, shade, partial shade? Also consider your climate (where do you live?) to determine what plants and vines can be left outdoors year round. Very large pots are pretty .... but moving indoors in winter may be a problem.
1 May, 2008
ivy is nice in pots and you will have to cut it back cause it will grow like crazy. I've had some ivy for at least 5 years.
1 May, 2008
On my patio, I have Camellias in pots (useful as I can move them to shady place when they are budding in spring and then move them out again when in flower). Also I have Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple) in a container - they do very well in containers. Also I have a Phormium 'Yellow Sword', which provides an exotic touch and is evergreen and v tough!
2 May, 2008
I grow heucheras in pots on my patio - leaf colour lasts much longer than flowers
2 May, 2008
I would recommend to plant bamboo in pot. Bamboo is seasonal plant, and it's resilent to seosonal weather.
See picture of my pot's bamboo :)
Jay Chua
10 Mar, 2010
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We have a Passion Flower in a pot, which grows up a metal obelisk. We just train the shoots to go round and round.
1 May, 2008