Mystery plant identification
By Robertr
Wigan, Lancashire,
United Kingdom
I was down in London at the weekend and had lunch at the Victoria & Albert museum in the courtyard and spotted the mystery plant, flowers look like the geranium, but the plant itself it almost triffid like. I'm certain you'll know it.
Thanks, Robert

30 Apr, 2008
Easy enough to keep going from seed though. I have the very similar G. palmatum which we treat as an annual, resowing the seeds in early spring.
1 May, 2008
They seed profusely and quite often will survive a little frost. Lift some sedlings and keep them frost free to be sure. A very easy plant to grow.
1 May, 2008
This is Beautiful glad u took a pic 2 show us Robert :D
1 May, 2008
Thank you everyone! Knew you'd be able to help. I'll stick some other pics I took of it on my homepage. Robert
1 May, 2008
Previous question
« I still haven't identified this plant and it's starting to grow some tall...
Hallo Robert - I am pretty sure that this is Geranium maderense. I saw one in a sunny but sheltered border at an open garden two years ago. It looks like the photo I took, anyway! They are not hardy and I certainly wouldn't try to grow one in my garden - they are expensive to buy and would be difficult to over-winter.
1 May, 2008