The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Harli

Washington, United States

I still haven't identified this plant and it's starting to grow some tall buds. Any ideas will be appreciated



Hi Harli, Looks like some more Aquilegia (columbine)- flowers could be one of lots of colours! You will find out soon. The flower spikes may grow quite tall depending on the variety. I'm waiting for mine but no flower spikes apparent as yet.

30 Apr, 2008


yeah I agree but yes they look nice but they dont half self seed all over (the hussies!)

1 May, 2008


Yes Aquilega and as beatuiful as they are they seed everywhere.

I have one in an area at back of gardage door time and time again have said will lift it out but then leave it as when she performs she is a beauty and delight.

1 May, 2008


Definitely Aquilegia - now you can have a guessing game as to what colour it will be! Yours look as though they might be the dwarf or alpine ones - are they quite flat to the ground? These plants do tend to be a bit naughty and promiscuous and end up either being purple or pink, even when you have planted a different colour the previous year. They do seed where ever they fancy - I've got one now in a gravel path. Mine have tall flower spikes and buds and are just about to flower. Must be a bit milder here, Celandine.

1 May, 2008


Hi Harli - if you don't want them to self-seed, you can just cut the seed pods off after it has flowered. It is a very beautiful plant - lucky you!

1 May, 2008


Yes, Spritzhenry - I see you are in Somerset and I am in N Yorkshire - quite a difference in temperature!

1 May, 2008

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