What is it?
By Madmum
United Kingdom
I'm sure I'll kick myself, I just can't conjure up a name for this. It's a seedling that has appeared in one of my pots.
So, is it weed or desirable? Thanks!

27 May, 2009
is it a meconopsis poppy?
or it could be a young buttercup type weed. pot it on and wait and see madmum. keep us posted.
27 May, 2009
could it be a young Japanese anemone???
27 May, 2009
Maybe Aquilegia?
27 May, 2009
I think it's meconopsis cambrica (Welsh poppy)
27 May, 2009
Thanks for the answers, not sure about any of them so I guess it's just wait and see! lol
I have definitely seen it before somewhere....
27 May, 2009
I think this is a Welsh poppy. These appear everywhere in my garden and the leaves look very similar.
27 May, 2009
is it a herb, coriander, parsley?
they look pretty similar although I cant really tell how big your seedling is
keep us posted Im intruiged now
x x x
27 May, 2009
It would be wonderful if it is a Welsh poppy! I'll keep you all updated as it grows - I need to move it into a separate pot, at the moment it's with a bearded iris which isn't strong enough for the garden.
27 May, 2009
Think Andrews right I thought it was the Welsh Mountain Poppy...yellow flowers.
27 May, 2009
yes, yellow poppy. I have a few and try to get rid of them. one woman's meat!
27 May, 2009
If it is Mec. cambrica be sure to dead head regularly or you will have a garden full of yellow poppies in no time :-)
28 May, 2009
Thanks for the tip moon grower, I'll definitely do that!
29 May, 2009
looks like a poppy to me can't be sure thouigh
27 May, 2009