The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Andasonia gregorii


By Marty

Queensland, Australia

On a recent trip to outback Qld, we collected a seed pod and I would like to try to propagate this tree. Do I need to do anything other than putting the seeds in propogating seed mix?



I didn't know what Andansonia gregorii was, while finding out I came across this site which contains other's experiences of growing these from seed:
I hope it helps. Good luck, please keep us posted on progress. :-)

29 Apr, 2008


Thank you, Xela, for the website. Two contributors attempted propagating seeds of the Andansonia gregorii - In Wales, UK, they washed the seeds in hot, soapy water, rinsed and placed them to soak in a shallow tray in a warm place for three days (do not allow to dry out) and then planted them in compost of half sand and half seed compost. The second contributor was from Sydney, NSW, and said the seeds that had their seed coats nicked germinated but those that were not, did not shoot. I'll give both a try. Thanks, again. m

29 Apr, 2008


My pleasure, Marty. It will be interesting to see which is more successful.

29 Apr, 2008

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