By Suzywonkles
United Kingdom
Deadheading rhodos... Hi, I've just deadheaded my rhodo, but do I remove these long things? Thanks!

2 Jun, 2012
No you don't that is the new leaf growth and needs to remain exactly where it is. With around 50 rhododendrons we don't even remove the dead flowers.
2 Jun, 2012
I did think it was new growth but thought I'd check. Thank you both, I might not bother deadheading next time, just thought I would as it looked untidy.
2 Jun, 2012
It does look untidy for a while but the dead flowers fall off and rot into the soil.
2 Jun, 2012
Dead-heading is fine for those ..smaller varieties. But how would anyone go about deflowering some of the Giant ones? :)
3 Jun, 2012
Step ladder? We have friends in Aberdeen who used to do so at one time - not anymore.
4 Jun, 2012
No, do not remove them, they are this years new growth, there,s no need to dead-head really, it just makes the shrub look a bit tidier, Derek
2 Jun, 2012