By Harli
United States
Is there such a thing as a wild poppy, or does it have another name. Thank you.

24 Apr, 2008
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This looks identical to Wood Poppy or Celandine Poppy, Stylophorum diphyllum. It's a native perennial wildflower here in the USA, but it's found mainly in the northeastern US. I found a small colony in my back woods and how have hundreds of them in my yard from seed I've scattered. There may be a different name since you're located in the far west. Did you find this, or buy it?
25 Apr, 2008
It is not as good a plant ,by the look of it ,as a good Welsh poppy, the leaves don't seem quite right ,so I would think it is the American plant.
25 Apr, 2008
It is definately in the genus Meconopsis (can tell by the structure of the flower), but not M. cambrica. It is probably one of your native wild flowers, Harli, and yes - poppies certainly do grow wild and they are still called poppies!
25 Apr, 2008
Yes looking again the leaves aren't quite the same
25 Apr, 2008
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Looks like Meconopsis cambrica or Welsh Poppy to me and it certainly grows wild here in Somerset.
24 Apr, 2008