Wild flower?
By Tussiemussie
Nr Rye, East Sussex,
United Kingdom
This has self seeded in my garden, I think it might be wild mallow.... it doesn't look very angry though, quite pretty. The garden had been neglected for years before we took over, turn the soil and all sorts of things pop up.

27 Jun, 2007
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wild flowers
Hi Spritzhenry, if you can send a private message with your address, when it seeds I will send you some seed, it seeds quite readily, so dead-head if you don't want it to spread. They are growing in my wild area.
28 Jun, 2007
Hi Tussiemussie definitely a sidalcea (wild mallow). Very pretty and great to see a true blue sport of this. Enjoy
6 Jul, 2007
Hi Saina, and welcome, Like you I garden organic and accommodate the wildlife.
6 Jul, 2007
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It does look like some sort of mallow - can I have a bit :-) it may be a wild flower but it's very pretty!!!
28 Jun, 2007