morning glory not growing tall
By Anitac
United Kingdom
I have tried to grow morning glory in the past but it only grew about 5 inches tall. I am going to try again as would like it to grow up a corner of a pergola. It is in a pot at the moment with 3 canes in my greenhouse. Any tips anyone? I would love to see it grow at least a couple of feet
On plant
18 Apr, 2008
That is strange, Anitac. They usually grow up to 6' trained up a wigwam or trellis. I grow mine alongside my sweetpeas, so they get fed weekly - maybe that would help? Mine are still in pots in the greenhouse until the frosts are over.
18 Apr, 2008
I had one last year that grew pretty big. It was in a sunny position on an open type fence, and the soil is very well drained being sandy. I watered as much as possible in the very hot weather and it thrived. It was a white one. This year I am trying with blue and pink ones and hope for similar success. They are outside now since we should not get any more frost.
18 Apr, 2008
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I dont know what variety you use but I have used Grandpa Otis to great success every year. Lovely purple colour. It is a tender plant and should be planted out after the frosts but you could even put the seeds in when the weather warms up.
18 Apr, 2008