how to care for a Phoenix canariensis palm in a pot in the garden
By Mosgarden
United Kingdom
given as a present still in its original pot 1.5mtrs high .i want to put it in a larger pot and put in garden should roots be kept compact? AND HOW AND WHEN DO I WATER IT?
On plant
Phoenix canariensis
31 Mar, 2009
Noseypotter- Please forgive my 'slow' reply....I don't know how I missed your reply!
"is the palm an outside palm"
I assumed they were-because they were on sale in an outdoor part of Homebase or B&Q....
4 Sep, 2009
when you get it out the old pot i would just tease a few roots out gently so they dont keep going round and round.when you plant it water it in well then water it regulerly.its hard to say when but what i do is dip my finger in the soil about an inch or 2 and if it feals dry i water the plants the palm an outside palm bye the way ?
31 Mar, 2009