pruning of Mahonia
By Cpiety
United States
I have a Mahonia that I got from my mom's house last fall. It looks pretty spindly and the root ball was not very big. Should I prune it back? If so, how far? When is the best time to prune a mahonia? Thanks for any help! I hope it makes it! :)
On plant
Mahonia japonica

23 Mar, 2009
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oregon grape
Mahonias respond well to pruning. This should be done after the flowers fade. Cut to just above a leaf joint and then feed well
24 Mar, 2009
Hi Charles! Mahonia likes shade best, so I don't know if it is too bright where it is? Mahonia is best trimmed after flowering in the spring. Cut the yellow racemes (sp.!) off. Then you could cut a little of the top leaves to encourage the roots to spread themselves and side shoots to appear. Hope this helps!
23 Mar, 2009