peruvian lilly
By Ruthy
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I asked a few of you experts a couple of months ago regarding potting peruvian lillies, well I followed what you all said and bingo, its like jack and the bean stalk here. so thanks! Question: They are about 20" at the moment, and starting to droop, do they need cane supports while they get even bigger. I know i need to wait till the frost and i live upt north, apparently its grim up ere!
19 Mar, 2009
they get to about 24-30 ". i would stake them this year before planting them out in the soil. try putting them outside during the day to 'harden them off' and bring them in at night. this will slow their soft growth and not do any harm. glad they grew well, its great isnt it.
19 Mar, 2009