Editing photos
By Muddy_boots
United Kingdom
Hi all
I've got a couple of repeat photos up online, but I can't find out how to delete one of them. Is there a way?
4 Apr, 2008
Hi Ajay
What a fool! Found that OK Must be an age thing!
4 Apr, 2008
Don't put yourself down - we all had to learn our way round the site! I kept having to ask Ajay or Peter how to do things when I first joined.
4 Apr, 2008
LOL Henry ..... I feel such a fool as I have seen that mmenu and just forgot! Oh well and hey Ho!
4 Apr, 2008
Hi Muddy - most people on the site just call me 'Spritz' because our Labrador is called Henry - he just might answer you if you type his name, he's a clever dog!!! LOL.
4 Apr, 2008
All labradors are. Mine was called Sandy .... a great dog and pal.
And I am Ken or Rummie
4 Apr, 2008
Which do you prefer?
4 Apr, 2008
I answer to both! Or Badger even. I don't mind
When I was married, it was Oi! You! But that was a long time ago
4 Apr, 2008
OK Ken-Rummie-Badger, I shall never remember, but still, OK!
4 Apr, 2008
hi Ken, i always add loads of photos of the same thing, - you can proberly tell if you look on my home page - lol hope everyone does'nt get board with looking at the same old things - but i think it's nice to see them all at different stages! i rarely delete any of them. and i answer to Ang or Angie as well as Majeeka - Majeekahead is actually a nic name we have for my 2 year old daughter, when she was a baby she had this big unruley curl that used to stick up just above her for head did'nt matter what i did it just would not be tamed- not much hair anywhere else - just this curl, well there used to be a cartoon a few years ago (won't say how many as that would give my age away too! lol) but in it was this funny little chap, i think he was a wizard or something called Majeeka - and he had a curl sticking out of his forhead just like my little Brooke- hense Majeekahead!!! - always wondered Spritz - i know all about Henry the dog - but why Spritz?
4 Apr, 2008
OMG folks! Am I glad I just go by my real name, even though Janette posted a pic of a stone called Dave, lol! Mr Majeeka - I'd never have guessed that one Angie! Doesn't the name Spritz relate to dogs too , Barbara? And Ken,(faka Rummie, aka Badger), be wary of deleting pics. if you delete any with comments or "likes", you will lose these. If anyone has one of your pics in their own "Favourites", then they will lose it, too. (Or, has this changed?)
4 Apr, 2008
LOL I wonder why I have ended up with so many names? But Majeeka? I was wondering where that had come from and where I had heard it before. ans as for Spritz, well, I assumed that was the labrador and the owner Henry. Just goes to show how wrong we can be!
5 Apr, 2008
David - Yes, if you delete photos you will lose the likes and comments on those photos. Also, they will not show in any blogs you have included them in (this is the bit that gets most people). Don't worry about running out of space... you can upload unlimited gardening photos :)
5 Apr, 2008
Thanks Ajay
I tried to be quick. I noticed that one doubled up when I wanted to add a photo to a comment, or something, I was posting.:}
5 Apr, 2008
OK folks, I will tell you. Spritz was a beautiful Pitbull who belonged to my son some years ago - don't all recoil in horror at the breed name! She was the sweetest most loving dog imaginable. My granddaughters grew up with her. So as Henry is our Labrador, as you know, I put the two names together for my nom-de-plume! Some of you know that I really answer to Barbara...only don't tell everyone!
5 Apr, 2008
I won't tell a soul, Barbara
5 Apr, 2008
Ok,well yes im eggbox (Anne) yes a funny name but when i joined your site i had just finished putting the shopping away,and the eggs were still stitting on the table...........LOL
5 Apr, 2008
I may as well join in ....weemamabell....im small or wee as we call it in Scotland , im a Mum ( Ma ) my first name is Margaret ( second Ma ) and my maiden name is Bell . lol .
6 Apr, 2008
Blimey! I seem to have started something off here on the Name Game!
6 Apr, 2008
All these secrets! You certainly did, Ken!
7 Apr, 2008
Hi Muddy_boots. If you click on one of your photos you should see a "Delete this photo" link to the right of the picture - under the title and description of the photo.
4 Apr, 2008