By Peedee65
Well, here it is, my new greenhouse, i spent all day yesterday building it and getting the site just right, then the glass went in... all that remains is power for the electric heater, then its full steam ahead, thanks to all the members who showed their interest and support.

19 Feb, 2009
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Hi Jacque,
To answer your question i need to tell a short story :-)...
My wife and got married last september in Niagara Falls, and when we were there, there was various plants growing along the esplanade, so i `accidently` collected some for the journey home, they were Grass called pennisetum, and various types of Rudbeckia, so to answer your question thats my 2 main priority`s is to grow these from seed, so that we will always have a reminder growing in our of the year we got married. And the rudbeckia has started to germinate now, a few green shoots poking there heads up from the compost :))... and i have plenty other things planned, so many seeds so little room lol.
19 Feb, 2009
You romantic you!!! what a lovely idea, your greenhouse looks fantastic and your garden is so neat and tidy!!
19 Feb, 2009
what a man, wish my other half took such an interest, unless it has chrome, spokes and a chain he wont remember. As for accidentally collecting seed i reckon a few of us have done that before and will do it again.
enjoy the fruits of your labour.
19 Feb, 2009
Well done Paul. Looks like a Hall's 8 x 6 which took me 3 days and a completely new vocabulary to complete. Can I have your autograph? Lol.
19 Feb, 2009
it's exactly the same as mine and John's right In had an absolute nightmare building it getting the frame in one part
was a real bonus , it looks brand new .. . . .what a bargain !!! cant remember what I paid exactly but sure it was well over £300
19 Feb, 2009
Well done! great to see it up!
19 Feb, 2009
its all so clean and shiny. you have been busy, well done you.
19 Feb, 2009
Looks just grand! Have fun with it, you are so lucky!
19 Feb, 2009
what a great job!!! share some pics of the inside . Good Luck
20 Feb, 2009
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Looks Fab Peedee well done u cant wait2see what ul grow ? :)
19 Feb, 2009