United Kingdom
I wonder if anyone can help with this problem?
I have tried to purchase Coal Tar Wash, to treat an Apple Tree. I do believe it has been be taken off the Market. If this is so...Can i obtain a Substitute? I would be so grateful, if anyone knew of 1...
23 Aug, 2011
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fruit trees
We used to use Stock Home Tar, and used to buy it at the local horse feed stockists.
It has many uses, both treating wounds on horses and to seal pruning cuts on fruit trees.
I would suggest you try your local animal feeds supplier. ( Not 'Pets at Home') but the places where horsey folk and farmers go for their supplies.
When we pruned our trees, we would layer Tar over and cover with muslin.
If you are looking for a soap to use as a spray, then I don't think this is the answer for you
23 Aug, 2011
What kind of problem are you trying to treat?
24 Aug, 2011
I have had quite a bad looking crop of Apples this year which have mostly been attacked by some sort of pest.
I used to use a coal tar wash each year, but, could not
obtain any this year. I have been using the sticky bands
that you affix to the tree, but it did not make any difference my Apple tree as still been attacked...I hope this info. is enough for you, Tugbrethil...
Kildermorie, I would have to use quite a few bars of
Coal Soap to solve this problem...
Granny b. I believe, that by law now: You, are not allowed to use it for garden uses....Professional Gardeners have been banned from using it...Thanks, for
your info. well appreciated...
24 Aug, 2011
What symptoms are the apples showing? Are they tunneled into by something, probably with rot occurring afterwards?
24 Aug, 2011
It could be some sort of fly...Yes, they are tunneled into
Bamboo...Not, so sure about the rotting though..
24 Aug, 2011
If the tunnels are present in ripe apples, it may be codling moth, quite common on apples. There is a pheremone trap available for these, and if you have only one apple tree, it may do the trick on its own without further need for treatment. Assemble and place in tree in early Spring I think, but follow the instructions. If nothing else, it'll tell you when you need to spray because it detects the presence of the moth. Suitable insecticides are sprays containing permethrin, bifrenthrin, fenitrothion, pirimiphos-methyl (not sure how many of these are still available, but fenitrothion is often contained as one ingredient in some sprays). Spray in early summer with a second treatment three weeks later, but the pheremone trap should tell you when its time to spray.
24 Aug, 2011
Thank you so much Bamboo, for all your Info. much obliged...Will follow your instructions...Keeping my fingers crossed..Where is the best stockist to obtain
this trap from?
24 Aug, 2011
I've not bought one for years, we took the apple tree out in the end, but purchased at the garden centre at the time, so ask your local ones if they have them - now available on line of course, if you Google 'pheremone traps for codling moth' you should find suppliers there. One even has a very useful picture showing the outer container which you assemble yourself - pack should contain some sticky sheets and pheremone lure strips - these are active for 6 weeks, so check how many lures are present in what you buy.
25 Aug, 2011
I would like to thank everyone who have tried to help
with my problem....It is so good knowing that if we have a problem, there is always helpful people, like yourselves around to solve them for you....
28 Aug, 2011
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I saw some in Boots this afternoon - it is still on sale. Google Wrights Tradition Coal Tar Soap.
23 Aug, 2011