The Garden Community for Garden Lovers


Minnesota, United States

I would like to find photos and information on these types of roses: Pimpinellifolia Rose, the Boursault Rose, the Setigera Rose, and the Wichuraiana Rose.
Do you have any of these and would they do well in Sourthern Minnesota (zone 5).



Gilli who lives in Kamloops BC.. has pictures here on GOY of her roses..she would be the one to go to...Welcome to Goy...Welcomedove...she has a some blogs in the Gardening blogs...that might be a good place to find her she has one there on miniature roses I know...
Also if you go to the bottom of the page and look for the R there is alphabetical list of plants and that well could lead you to Gilli right there...

16 Feb, 2009


Hi Welcomedove. I grow The Burnet Rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia ) on my Rock Garden. I raised it from seed of ones growing on Strumble Head in West Wales . It covers the cliffside, replacing Heather. Its tough as old boots and is now a permanent resident in my Rock work. As long as its well drained it will grow anywhere. Don't know anything about the others. but I love the Burnet Rose.

16 Feb, 2009

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