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West Midlands, United Kingdom

I purchased these Agapanthus a few weeks ago from Tatton Park Flower Show...I'm getting a bit concerned about the smallness of the pots they are in as you can see..I really don't want to lose them..can I put them into the ground now or not.. or any suggestions?thankyou



No reason not to put them in the ground now, Kate. The weather is suitable and they won't need much watering :-(

8 Aug, 2011


Great .. thankyou :)

8 Aug, 2011


would you recommend some gravel under the roots and some feed or not?

8 Aug, 2011


Unless you have a very wet garden they should need extra grit under the roots but a bit of bonemeal in the planting hole never comes amis.

8 Aug, 2011


I note the label on the left hand pot says Agapanthus Snow Cloud - there seems to be some argument about whether this one is hardy or not - some sellers say it is, others say it's half hardy. If they're all the same variety, I'd be inclined to keep some in larger pots somewhere frost free over winter, and plant out some to see if they come through okay.

8 Aug, 2011


I've recently bought 'Sky' and 'Jack's Blue' but I put them in pots as I don't want to lose them to another harsh winter...have just got a bad feeling about it! I think they are supposed to be hardy...o me of little faith!

8 Aug, 2011


well I had thought I might put them in pots just to see what happens ... I'm all new to this and fell in love with Agapanthus so to be safe I think I will :) Thanks all :)

8 Aug, 2011


But you will need to keep them somewhere out of very cold weather, so the pots don't freeze - if that happens, the bulbs turn to mush. Based on the assumption we're in for another arctic blast this year...

8 Aug, 2011


Yes Bamboo we probably are .. would you bring them inside like a conservatory if it is

8 Aug, 2011


And don't put them in too big of a pot, no more than 4 inches bigger than the one they are in. Too much spare potting compost can make them rot. It's usually not much of a problem in the ground, because excess water usually just wicks away, unless there are drainage problems.

8 Aug, 2011


Yes, I would bring them into a conservatory, though it would be best to put them somewhere very, very cool, so if your conservatory is heated, that's a bit of a problem.

9 Aug, 2011


Well going back to Tugbrethil I would like to have a couple of plants in 1 large pot so its more of a show I not going to be able to do this then? Bamboo our conservatory can be quite cold in winter so I think thats a good plan! thankyou:)

9 Aug, 2011


Two plants in 1 pot will work for now, but they will be very difficult to separate later. Sooner or later, one plant outcompetes the other, and the loser dies.

9 Aug, 2011


ok thankyou Tugbrethil :)

10 Aug, 2011

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