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i recently seen a gardening program wher someone put a bottle of coca cola on some plants he said was good for them a kind of boost is it the sugar



Well I would no more pour coca-cola on my plants than I would drink the stuff myself! Good way to attract ants I would have thought all sticky...

3 Aug, 2011


cant see how the sugar would boost the plant as they cant absorb the sugar.
Ive seen empty bottles used as mini cloches when plants are first planted out.

3 Aug, 2011


I think the program you are talking about was on channel 5. I won't say the name as i don't want to publicize the program. It is shamefully bad IMO.

He also placed banana peel at the base of plants saying it will feed the plant. A banana peel sitting on the surface of the soil. Rarely has a program frustrated me so much! If it is the one you are referring to.

3 Aug, 2011


I did read that burying banana peel by rose bushes discouraged black spot, but I couldn't get excited about the results though Idid try it. I wouldn't even buy Coca Cola, let alone pour it on the garden. Though it might kill the slugs...

3 Aug, 2011


I was told that sulphur from car exhaust fumes, helps prevent black spot in roses.
I wouldn't be surprised if next weeks tip is to reverse your car up to your rose plant, leave the engine running for an hour two and voila, fungus free roses.

3 Aug, 2011


Totally ridiculous I feel like finding a wand a flicking it Hermionie style!

3 Aug, 2011


I have read that caffeine helps some seeds to germinate.
Caffeine is also a poison to many predatory bugs and is produced by many plants naturally "for this reason".
However, the idea of clogging up the poor plants roots with this much sugar and the soil with such an intense acid rush seems mad.

4 Aug, 2011


Banana skin is good in the greenhouse to help start the ripening process of tomato`s, I `ve never heard about it preventing blackspot but was told on a very reputable gardening prog many years ago that it contains a lot of goodness to fertilize ones roses, I can however bend and stoop so would bury them if I found the sight repulsive...

4 Aug, 2011


Lincslass dolloping banana skins on the surface will do no more good than pouring a bottle of cola over a plant. Much better to compost them... even buried they will do little to serve.
I am not even sure they help to ripen growing fruit as the methane gas they give off is very localised. Stick them in a drawer with under-ripe tomatoes...

4 Aug, 2011


Tongue in cheek here Mg, I do compost them of course, as I pointed out I saw it on a good gardening prog, I do not believe in knocking a process I cannot prove either way.
As to the tom ripening, well of course its localized, I said start the ripening process, anyone who has grown toms knows that once they start to ripen then they emit their gas which then encourages others to ripen.
Incidentally I do not know how or what you do but I do not Dollop things in and around my garden.....

4 Aug, 2011


Lincslass you implied you left banana skins on the surface near rose bushes - hence the 'dollop' comment!

4 Aug, 2011


No problem Mg, we all use different expressions depending on where we live, I wasn`t being offensive and hope you didn`t think I was, lifes too short ....

4 Aug, 2011


Far to short Lincslass!

5 Aug, 2011


I've had surprisingly good luck reviving reluctant plants using sugar, but it's not something that I would put on on a regular basis. Banana peels are good sources of potash, but I would chop them up fine and dry them before incorporating them in the soil--or compost!

7 Aug, 2011

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