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when to seperate plants

dublin, Ireland

im growing seeds, do anyone no when its time to seperate them? or when is it ok to put them outside?

On plant peas



Hi Adrienne
see if this helps!
This advice is from the RHS
Vegetable plants that require some heat to grow can be sown, from this month on, in the protection of a glasshouse or on a warm, sunny windowsill. The seedlings can eventually be planted outdoors, when the risk of frost and adverse weather has passed
Conditions for germination

Although seeds of tender plants withstand chilling, seedlings generally are sensitive to temperatures below 12°C.

Germination occurs best in temperatures between 18–25°C, with later growing conditions of at least 15°C. If warm and bright conditions cannot be maintained, delay sowing until April when conditions are more favourable.

Crops with small seeds

Small-seeded crops such as tomatoes, peppers and aubergines produce tiny seedlings that grow slowly. The earlier these can be sown, the better. Larger-seeded crops, such as courgettes, cucumbers, melons, squashes and sweet corn, produce large, quick-growing seedlings. These can be sown later, in April or May - otherwise plants may be ready before conditions are suitable outdoors.
Getting started

Use a well-drained medium such as proprietary seed-raising compost or a 50:50 mix of perlite and multi-purpose compost. Sow small seeds on the surface of lightly firmed media, barely covered with vermiculite or sieved compost. Stand the pots in a pan of lukewarm water until the surface darkens, then transfer to a warm environment to germinate. A heated propagator is ideal, but a windowsill in a warm room can be as effective.
Pricking out seedlings into individual pots.

Prick out seedlings into individual pots of multipurpose compost. Sow larger seed singly, or two to a cell tray and discard the weak one.

Grow seedlings in full light and warmth. A sunny windowsill is effective if a glasshouse is not available. Water to keep the roots moist, but avoid sogginess. Start feeding with general-purpose liquid fertiliser from six weeks after pricking out. Peat-free compost is highly suitable for raising vegetable plants but often needs more frequent watering and more generous feeding than peat-based media.

Below is from

If sowing seed in pots or trays indoors, it is recommended that you "harden them off" before moving them permanently outdoors.

This is done by placing the pots outside in a sheltered position during the day once the daytime outside temperature is no less than 16C/61F, and then bringing them back indoors. This should be done over a period of a few weeks, gradually lengthening the amount of time the plants remain outside from 2-3 hours when you first start, to all day after 3 weeks or so. The plants can then be moved outdoors permanently so long as night frosts are no longer a threat.

You can try shortening the above process, however growth may be severely checked resulting in much delayed cropping....and if you get it very wrong DEATH.

1 Feb, 2009


Hi Adevereux09,
Your seedlings look very healthy! The peas could perhaps be repotted carefully now already to give them more room, though definitely not outdoors until there is no more risk of frost. In Ireland/Britain that could be any time up to end of April if we get another cold snap then.
The carrot seedlings are still very wee, so I'd wait a bit with those.

If your seedlings are indoors, don't keep them in a warm place, just cool and light. Otherwise they may shoot up too fast and get all "leggy", ie not such strong, sturdy plants. Once they are outside later in the Spring and summer, peas may need to be tied to some twiggy sticks for support.
Good luck - let us know how they do later on. Fresh grown peas are delicious. I wouldn't even bother cooking them - just pick and eat straight from the pod, much nicer than sweets : ))

1 Feb, 2009


I am mystified by your photo. It looks like peas but it seems to show carrots on the lable!!??

2 Feb, 2009


I think the carrot seedlings are in front of that label, hidden a bit at first glance by the side of the box. I thought the same as you, but can now see another label - prob for the peas right at the back, immediately bhind the carrot label, small flash of blue.

2 Feb, 2009


yes use r both right, i do have carrots growing at de front of de box,, peas r de long things u can see.. soz bot that lol thats y i asked wen wud it be ok to seperate cos if i leave them all together, der will be no room,,,, tanx for all yr help :)

2 Feb, 2009


A, your picture of pea seedlings is making me want to get some going. I think I only have sweet pea seeds (the nice smelly-flowering kind, not to eat) so maybe it'll have to be those for now. Hee hee.

2 Feb, 2009


lol yeah, they look juicy alright.. i got de seed trays for seperating them, i trilled, another job to keep me goin lol der to big for that pot now.. can anyone tell me do they look leggy? i hope they not...

3 Feb, 2009


~I am pleased you were able to find the trays!have you started transplanting them yet!

4 Feb, 2009


Hello A,
I think I'm just as interested as u by now in the future of these seedlings! Someone on this site called Doctorbob1 has given some more useful info for you growing them on - you can see his comment either by going to my inbox, or look at the answers to the PEAS question I posted yesterday.
Don't worry about "leggy" , u r doing just fine I'm sure.
Do you know where you can plant them outside yet, when the time comes?
: ))
Yours, dreaming of summer and fresh peas.

5 Feb, 2009


hi weeding n arlene.. no iv been so busy with other stuff. am gona do them this week thou.. i got my pollytunnel on thurs, its de bizz lol have to get it up now,, have everything now all i need is some sun ,, please go snow :( i hate snow. no good for gardeners ...

6 Feb, 2009

How do I say thanks?

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