The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Alextb

London, England

Just 2 more ID's please.



That looks like the sticky creeper weed Galium aparine, Cleavers, Rubiaceae family.

29 Jul, 2011


Yes - it has several common names according to where you live! I call it 'Goosegrass'.

29 Jul, 2011


I call it names much ruder than those. Get rid of it immediately or it will choke up your whole garden before you can turn round. (Said with feeling as I have been pulling it out by the armful in a neglected corner this afternoon and my arms are covered with an intricate pattern of little dots and lines.) Whatever you do don't let it seed.

29 Jul, 2011


Here you are, Alex! You're not the only one ;-)

29 Jul, 2011


I dont have it in this garden, but I did in my previous one it use to sick on my jumpers while I was weeding, horrible long stuff.

30 Jul, 2011


Thank you all, I will pull it up this morning.

30 Jul, 2011


You may find it Grows on you its can be very sticky depending on what you wear.

30 Jul, 2011


I like the name cleavers.....nice old fashioned sound to it, as it cleaves to you....grabs you in a fond embrace.

30 Jul, 2011


Ha ha ha it sure does grab you Dorjac, especially when wearing wool.

30 Jul, 2011


Henry eats it!

30 Jul, 2011


We used to throw this as school children ... it always stuck to school blazers!

30 Jul, 2011



30 Jul, 2011


It is hard to get off ST you must have been popular LOL'
It is amazing how animals know they need herbal remedies and which ones Spritz.

31 Jul, 2011


What does it do as a herbal remedy Drc? I thought this was just an annoying weed, didn't know it could do something useful.

31 Jul, 2011


It is a good dietary supplement for animals such as dogs and it also thought to help reduce Laminitis in horses

31 Jul, 2011


You learn something every day! :-) I wonder what it gives dogs?

31 Jul, 2011


Lots of exercise trying to get the wretched stuff off . . . . .

31 Jul, 2011


lol :-)

31 Jul, 2011


It is a tonic of nutrients to animals such as dogs.

31 Jul, 2011


Wow! (He eats grass, too). If I find a strand of Goosegrass, I offer it to him - and he always eats it. No wonder, if it does him good! :-)

31 Jul, 2011


Now you will have to leave him some Spritzh?

31 Jul, 2011


Somebody told me recently that it is good for humans too in the Spring, but because of creeping old age I can't remember what it was supposed to be good for...wish it was to improve the memory, but i would have remembered that...

Drc, it wasn't stuck to my sweater as I had been silly enough to do it with short sleeves. The dots and lines were horrible red irritation marks that stayed on my bare arms until the following day. Some people never learn.

31 Jul, 2011


I don't fancy eating it, to be honest. The smell of it puts me off!

31 Jul, 2011


I had forgotten it was a skin irritant poor you ST. I dont fancy trying it either Spritz

31 Jul, 2011


I pulled it up with bare hands and suffered no irritation.

1 Aug, 2011


I dont think its hand so much Alex? It rinngs a bell as I think it is more likely to make your arms or neck sore

1 Aug, 2011


Alex, you had one little sprig of it and pulled it up with your fingers which have hard skin on them as you use them all the time and they get tough.

Steragram probably had sheets and sheets of it growing over the top of a lot of other plants, so he pulled it out by the armfull, which is how the tender skin on the inside of his forearms and neck got scratched by the little hooks on the stems, leaves and seeds.

Good job you pulled yours out quickly, before it became a monster that can scratch you to itchy bits. :-)

I've had tarpaulin-loads of this weed, and it's uncomfortable to deal with in quantity.

1 Aug, 2011


Maybe if we cooked it, Denise? LOL.

1 Aug, 2011


might the burrs be the same as eating ground glass SpritzLol

1 Aug, 2011


Eeeuugghh!! lol.

1 Aug, 2011



1 Aug, 2011


Yum! (not...)

1 Aug, 2011


It might be delicious - a new delicacy! ;-/

2 Aug, 2011


Definition of luxury lifestyle -
"Oh, yes, he's got a goosegrass shaver". Makes having someone to peel your grapes for you look so passee. ;-)

2 Aug, 2011


LOL, Beattie! Do you think the newly married Royals had one on their gift lists? :-D)

2 Aug, 2011


Beattie, yes I did have sheets and sheets of it but fortunately not in a planted area. I am not a he I am a she - I've sometimes been surprised when i found I'd guessed someone's gender wrong. I had Bamboo down for a he for ages.

2 Aug, 2011


Sorry Steragram! You know how it is, you have to take a guess & there's a 50% chance of being wrong. ;-)

2 Aug, 2011


I always had Bamboo down for a he also. It isn't always possible to know.

3 Aug, 2011


Never mind, its all part of the fun, lol. It was quite a while before I realised that the henry in Spritzhenry was a dog...

3 Aug, 2011


LOL. He is, honest - he's lying next to me! Spritz was my son's beautiful dog; gone but not forgotten. :-(

So I put the two names together. :-)))

3 Aug, 2011


Ahh. :)

4 Aug, 2011


So now you know! :-))

4 Aug, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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