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Can potatoes be grown in containers?


By Irish

Dublin, Ireland

i was thinking of growing my own potatoes this year. can they be grown in containers as i dont have a lot of space in the garden ?

On plant Solanum



Well, Peter Seabrook does and so does Bob Flowerdew. So you certainly could! I haven't done it, so one of the other members will have to tell you how! I believe it involves earthing up each time the haulms grow a bit.

18 Mar, 2008


I found an article in a magazine - you need a container at least 8" across and 1' deep. It has to have draianage holes.Use any multi-purpose compost and feed the plants weekly with liquid feed. Put 6" compost in and place your one chitted potato on top (If you container is bigger, of course you put several in!) cover with 4" compost and water. Protect from severe frost. Once shoots are 4" tall, add more compost to nearly cover the leaves. Repeat as they grow, till the container is full. Keep watering and feeding until you are ready to harvest. Magazine says old compost bags are ideal, turned inside out, roll down to start at 1' high, keep pulling up the sides as you add compost. He puts 3 tubers in this. Hope this helps! Good luck.

19 Mar, 2008


I am going on a 1 day course in about 2 weeks at RHS Harlow Carr, its on `Growing vege in containers` and is run by a local gardening celebrity who has a regular radio slot. I will let you know if I pick up any tips.

19 Mar, 2008


thats great, thanks for that information, i have several containers so ill pick one i think is suitable and give it a go.

19 Mar, 2008


Andrea, sounds like an interesting course. let me know how it goes , because i would be interested in growing other veg's in containers

19 Mar, 2008


Hi Irish! I'm pleased to say that I have grown potatoes in containers (in plastic cistern tanks in fact!) and they did very well. Follow the advice above and you should do Ok. Only thing I'd add is that they need LOADS of watering. They will produce so many leaves that natural rain will not be able to get through to the containers so you need to provide ALL their water and they are very thirsty plants (remember that a potatoe is 90-something percent water). Also, make sure you have enough room, as I had to separate my cistern tanks out as the plants grew due to the amount of growth they put on. Good luck!

19 Mar, 2008


thanks for all the replies, i will let ye all know how i get on .. all going well the chips will be on me lol

19 Mar, 2008


Yes they can I have a rather large tub in which I put a large bag of manuer and a large bag of soil I planted old rooted potatoes a few months ago and they are growing a treat cant wait for them to flower the buds are showing now though so i guess theres not long to wait.

11 Aug, 2009


hi there, think you saw the photo I published of the potatoes I grew in a container. I was a bit sceptical to start with but the potatoes produced show I really shouldn't have been! They are just as good as my others. I also found they needed plenty of watering but that wasnt really a problem. Good luck with them- hope they come out well :-)

20 Aug, 2009


thanks, i did manage to get a small crop , small cos i didnt plant many this yr

20 Aug, 2009


Hi Irish

I have grown my first lot of potatoes this year in a large sack from Home base, I have just pulled them up and they are lovely, about 24 spuds from 4 potatoes.

good luck

30 Aug, 2009


So it does work, then! Well done, both of you. :-))

30 Aug, 2009

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