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Chickens in the Garden


By Gillie

Sussex, United Kingdom

I love my friendly chickens and like having them free range but I would love any suggestions on plants they don't eat. Those they don't eat they dig up and jump on! So suggestions please




I wish that was true but my chickens are very naughty. I have had them for two years now and I know. They eat almost anything green there is a very short list of plants they don't eat ie roses, herbs, grasses almost anything else is food. They have scrapped up the lawn and I am replacing it with bark chippings. Go with the flow seems the only way as I like having them free range. One day I will write a book on gardening with chickens.


16 Jan, 2009


Hi Gillie, we only had two chickens we allowed them to wonder the garden free range , they became so friendly , they would come and tap on the kitchen porch door and wait for me to give them grapes which they loved , they were black rocks , as soon as it was dusk they rushed back to their enclosure and hut to roost for the night , two lovely fresh eggs each day , sadly we no longer have them , I would like another couple but as we like to get away sometimes now it means getting someone to look after them .
Yes they do scrap up everything in site , and I can,t tell you of anything much that they won,t have a go at , but to see them wondering free happily grubbing about , I don,t know I think one thing outways another .
They didn,t do to much damage to the lawn , they liked the flower and veg, garden better ,ours were called Milly and Molly .
Good luck with it x

17 Jan, 2009


Hi Amy

I would much rather have my chickens try and get into the house - they have managed it on a couple of occassions! than locked up. They may make me laugh. When they see me at a window they jump on to the window cill and knock. They have totally ruined the lawn but go with the flow and I am putting down more bark chippings. The veg patch is fenced offf!


17 Jan, 2009


Ours got in the kitchen a few times Gillie , the grandchildren thought it was so funny , They would run down the garden to see who would get the warmest egg first . If the eggs piled up I made lemon curd , very tasty .
We put bark down as well , they scrapped that about even more looking for the grubs underneath it lol..
You are making me want some more .. ......:o)

17 Jan, 2009

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