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Surrey, United Kingdom

In the gardening section of a Sunday paper I saw some beautiful arches made of hazel. It advised 6' tall x 3inch thick hazel sticks. I have some in my garden but it provides the only real shade and I am a bit nervous about chopping bits off and maybe killing the whole thing.
Should I try it do you think, or be safe a buy an arch from the garden centre?



Hazel is a traditional coppice plant so I don't think you are likely to lose the plant by taking a few sticks from it - in the longer term you are likely to get regrowth. It's the right time of year to do it as far as I know. I think it all depends on whether you will miss the shade too much. Maybe someone else will know at what age a hazel should be coppiced, but if you're not cutting away the whole growth that may not apply anyway.

15 Jan, 2009


Yes, Elleme is right - our hazel was coppiced right back almost to ground level a few weeks ago. I have kept the sticks to use as plant supports. The first time our tree surgeon did it, I though he'd killed it - but up it came again - and he does it every two years. You certainly won't kill it!

15 Jan, 2009


Yes Ginelli, keep coppicing and you will have more to cut come future years, leave them a few years and you will be able to do a nice line in Thumb sticks for the walkers!!! In the woods with us, the trees are there for shade but where someone has cut off a few sticks to make thumb sticks, so there are more growing in their place, so you can still keep the main part of the tree for shade.

15 Jan, 2009


I agree with all the above as regards to coppicing, but Hazel for an arch will only have a short life as it is untreated and has in the past been used for bean sticks an inch thick, only last two years. The best wood for you to use for your arch would be Larch tannerize, it can be purchased from a good fencing company. Great fun to make your own.
Hope this helps.

15 Jan, 2009


Thanks as always for your good ideas and advice. Sophie, my cavalier, rather wishes I hadn't joined Goy as her morning walk gets later and later and if I'm sitting at the computer she can't get quite close enough for her liking.

15 Jan, 2009

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