By Jane21
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
A friend gave me 4 broccoli plants which I planted about a month ago. They weren't doing very well. so I dug them up and they have club root. Have I infected all my veg plot - about quarter of an acre. just the bit where they were or have I got away with it with only 4 plants - they all had it. Is there anything I can dig in to neutralise it and do you think my nearby broccoli (all healthy at mo) will be ok? Any help gratefully recieved. Jane
On plant
Club Root
11 Jul, 2011
Yes it looks horrible. I'm hoping as the 4 plants were small and not in for long I may have escaped. I will lime the area tomorrow as a precaution though. Thanks for your advice. Jane
11 Jul, 2011
We never get club root in the desert, because it is almost impossible to get our soil pH below 8. I would use a mixture of limes for best results: podered lime for quick change, and some coarse limestone for long term maintenance.
11 Jul, 2011
Thank you for that advice, will act on it. I have never had club root before, I think these plants were infected when I put them in. Very annoying Cheers Jane
12 Jul, 2011
An old gardener told me to dip brassica roots in lime before planting to discourage club root, so maybe liming where they were might help. Avoid walking on the area in case you carry any soil to the rest of the plot and keep future brassicas very well away for a long time. It is a disgusting infection isn't it?
11 Jul, 2011