The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

This is my first season of planting my wildlife garden up and at the moment i am concentrating on attracting bees and butterflies.... i only have a very small plot so am limited to the amount of plants i can use. So, do i have to cluster the same plants together in twos or threes or can i put one specimen of each plant together so i can put a larger variety in my flower bed?? I have taken the single specimen route so far but not getting many bee or butterfly visits :(



i would try and get as many different flowers as possible . butterfly bushes are a pierce of cake to grow and stinging nettles are good but probably know good for a small plot . the thing is different insects have different reasens and objectives for there needs even trickery and sex . theres a flower that looks like a female and smells like one . there are some flowers that are in symbioses (excuse my spelling) with peticuler insects . you get long trumpet like flowers that rely on birds with very long beaks or insects like a humming bird moth that love honeysuckle but need there exceptionly long tongue to reach the pollen . i believe red flowers in the wild have know smell if unbred bye human hands etc . the more flowers the better i say . id also if you can ofcourse put a small natural pond in there as drink is something every importent to insect,bird and human alike including an area abourt 2 inches deep as birds love to bathe . then you have the knock on effect of predetor and prey . i hope i could hekp take care bye for now x.

6 Jul, 2011


Multiples are usually recommended for design purposes--the bees and buterflies don't really care, though one plant is going to be a little less attractive than a pasture full! I would be patient, sometimes it takes the pollinators a few weeks to discover the new bounty, especially if you are away from a rural area, or the garden has high walls and/or hedges.

6 Jul, 2011


single flower forms are better than double ones and some wild flower forms are also more 'natural'. I can send you seed of wild scabious in the autumn if you'd like some. I have this plant and it makes a nice clump of lilac flowers that the bees etc adore.

Annual plants like limnanthes, night scented phlox, borage are good doers, grow quickly and attract plenty.

I would be tempted to put them in, in 2's especially if they are small plants, you can always thin them out later.

6 Jul, 2011


thanks guys....iv had a think and have decided to try and clump a few choice plants such as daisys and lavender together- and dot some single specimens around inbetween these and see how that gos.

I live near a fabulous piece of wild scrubland packed with all sorts of things bees love so hopefully they will be tempted soon :)

thankyou seaburn girl that is a lovely offer of seeds and i would be very grateful for them ! x

6 Jul, 2011


remember to ask for them in september as i have a memory like a seive :o)

7 Jul, 2011


Nepeta is a good one for butterflies

7 Jul, 2011

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