The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Lily2

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Rosa "Canary Bird"

This rose is 10 years old and last year the main branch inexplicably died leaving a smaller branch which flowered well. Now this branch has 2 strong new growths coming from the stem but they look suspiciously like suckers to me although they are coming from above the root graft. Are these suckers and do I just cut them off?



Those leaves low down do look suspiciously like suckers. Pale green and smaller than usual Lily. The main stem looks very poorly higher up too. A fresh start with a new rose but not in same place? As Spritz said in her blog to look at loss of plants as an opportunity to make a fresh start.

30 Jun, 2011


Rosa 'Canary Bird' has a reputation of growing well for a few years and then gradually dieing, one or two branches at a time (mine went that way a couple of years ago). Once it's in decline, I think you have to accept the inevitable and take it out

30 Jun, 2011


Thanks Dorjac and Andrew. I'm all for planting opportunities but I was rather fond of this rose. It's the only one I have because it doesn't have all the drawbacks of other roses. I didn't realise they were short lived but closer inspection of the remaining stem doesn't look good so it looks like it's farewell Canary Bird, it was nice knowing you :o))

1 Jul, 2011


Lily - I can empathise. I really like 'Canary Bird' as well and I didn't realise it was short-lived either until it started its decline with me

2 Jul, 2011


Lily ... I am a new member here today and was looking at people that enjoy roses .... to me those two new growths from the base of your rose are just your rose rejuvenating itself .... cut off the main old stem and let those grow!! That is how many rambling roses grow, although I do not have a Canary Bird rose. Hope this is not too late for your dear rose, because I truly see nothing wrong with it!

Holly :)

8 Jan, 2012


Hi Holly and welcome to GOY. Many thanks for your reply and no, it's not too late because I've done exactly as you've said and the rest of the rose is still as in the photos (apart from having no leaves at present!). I'm hoping it will put on it's usual wonderful show this spring as it really is a big favourite of mine. I love the delicate foliage and it never gets bugs and diseases apart from some occasional greenfly.

8 Jan, 2012

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