By Dorjac
United Kingdom
I bought a Fuchsia 4 to a pot at Tescos in 2010. One of them survived the winter, to my surprise. It is a small compact plant which has lots of buds and flowers. The flowers are held very level, not drooping, as most fuchsia flowers. Can anyone put a name to it please?

29 Jun, 2011
Thanks Aimankay. I googled Dollar Princess but it seems too droopy a flower to be the same fuchsia.
29 Jun, 2011
Hi dorjac, try "Mrs Popple" although there are hundreds of varieties that look very similar, good luck!!
regards derekm.
29 Jun, 2011
Looked it up on Crocus Derek. Similar, but the pedicle on this fuchsia is very short, the ovary is green and not brownish, as with Mrs Popple. I think I'll have to join the local Fuchsia Club! There is a good one in the town that puts a lovely show on yearly. It shall remain Tesco.
30 Jun, 2011
Check if the above pix matches with any of them on this site
30 Jun, 2011
Hello Aimankay, lovely site for fuchsias. No tender ones depicted as they have run out of supplies of them! It didn't resemble any of the hardy ones either. Thanks for giving me this site....I faved it.
1 Jul, 2011
Just a guess that it could be 'dollar princess'
29 Jun, 2011