By Rose1949
United Kingdom
Help! Can any of you please tell me what is wrong with my toms.I have been growing them for15years now and this has never happened before. The leaves curling i know about but the strange discolouration i dont plus if the toms, are growing on the plant they are deformed especially on the big boy .Some of you may remember that i got red spider mite earlier in the year and in the end my allotment neighbour who is 80 and has been gardening all his life gave me something to spray them with and i'm wondering if it has anything to do with this. He said in all his years of gardening he had not seen this before. We went away in May for 2weeks leaving the allotment neihbour in charge of watering but another friend and allotmentholder who is the otherside of me watered as well just in case he fogot.So could overwatering be part of the problem?

25 Jun, 2011
Ithink it was provado spray ,thanks for your interest.
25 Jun, 2011
Well that is supposedly okay on tomatoes, wouldn't use it myself but that isn't the point. Has it been very humid and do any of the other allotment holders have the same problem with their tomatoes?
25 Jun, 2011
Talking to a neighbour this afternoon who had been in the Beechgrove Garden marquee at Gardening Scotland for a Q&A session (Beechgrove Garden is Scotland's most popular gardening program on the BBC). One of the questions wasrelated to the problem of mottled and curled up leaves and the panel suggested that it was due to having occaisional very hot days in the greenhouse but unusually cold nights. I don't know if there is a cure or if it will affect the crop. We have tomatos in two greenhouses and they are all affected, as are the neighbours. I suspect that we are going to have a poor crop this year but will have to wait and see :-(
25 Jun, 2011
a neighbour mentioned that the leaves on his were turning very dark green almost black, but his are outdoor ones. he cant find anyhting on the web to help identify the problem.
25 Jun, 2011
I usually see this on tomatoes that have been planted too early, and have had marginal frost damage, and non-frost cold damage. The distorted fruit is probably from another cause, maybe mites.
26 Jun, 2011
Thanks for all your help but i'm still no wiser as i seem to be the only one on the allotments to have this problem. I put them in the greenhouse in May and they were healthy and large then.I was told that there were a couple of cold nights while we were away so maybe that is the cause. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed for a decent crop.
26 Jun, 2011
What was in the spray you used?
25 Jun, 2011