By Catsmother21
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have a clematis and the leaves on it are discoloured either a rusty colour or brown colour. This is it's second year and otherwise it is healthy with plenty of flowering buds but the discoloured leaves are making it look unhealthy. It is well watered and fed and was wondering if this is normal with a clematis, will it get healthier as it gets older, does it need spraying with something? Sorry about all the questions but I just want the leaves to be luscious and green to set off the beautiful flowers.
25 Jun, 2011
Hi Volunteer
Thanks for your reply and advice - much appreciated. I only feed it once a fortnight at the moment, so I will now start to feed it once a week instead and hope that it will improve.
26 Jun, 2011
I read in a clematis book that they like lots of water and food. so try feeding and watering every week, it could be from the dry weather.
25 Jun, 2011