By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
My New Christmas Tree is Root Bound in the Pot It Came In :/ Can i Repot it now? & What Soil /Size Pot should i use ? ManyThanks :)

16 Dec, 2008
You shouldnt have a problem Jacque.
16 Dec, 2008
ditto i would give it a pot thats a good size bigger my self so i dont have to do it in the future to much
16 Dec, 2008
It's an interesting shape, Jacque. What is it?
16 Dec, 2008
Its a Christmas Tree Spritz :) Thanx 4 all the Comments & Help :)
16 Dec, 2008
A spruce?
16 Dec, 2008
No Not A Spruce Spritz its 2 Green 2 be 1 of those :)How Big a Pot Shall i use ? 2 Inch Bigger Spritz? I do plan on Keeping it in a pot as iv heard they can grow Huge if Planted into a Garden !
16 Dec, 2008
Hi Jac, Brooke was given one of these by santa himself last year, looks the same sort as yours, although i am not an expert and i asked the very same question, Bluespruce, came up with the name and everything, and yes it is fine to pot up now, infact Brookes was bare root, and we planted it in quite a large pot, with soil based compost, this time last year and it is doing fine seems very happy, i have pictures of it on my garden pages if you want to see. one thing i do rember Bs saying is they can get very large, and at sometime will need to be planted in the ground, not advisable in the garden unless you have acres of room, but will be quite a few years before it out grows all pots, and will need regualr potting up, once this becomes a problem as to big, then is the time to find a suitable location.
16 Dec, 2008
Thanx Ang :) As u know iv a Huge Garden but if its does become 2 big i think il ask if i can plant it in Sandringham Woods along with Many Many other Chritmas Trees that grow there :)
16 Dec, 2008
that is proberly the best bet, we have a wild forest area, not too far from where i live, i will proberly ask if we can plant it there when the time comes.
16 Dec, 2008
oh and by the way your mulch looks good in the background, bark?
16 Dec, 2008
Thanks Ang its the Cheap Bark From Wickes & its very Good Stuff :) 3 Large Bags £10 :)
16 Dec, 2008
oohhh BARGAIN! will have to go there first next year, that is if i have'nt managed to sort out my composter problem, best option is if that is ready lol we can live in hope!
16 Dec, 2008
Jacque, I can't tell what size that pot is - but it is definitely far too small. I would pot it into a BIG pot - the size I plant my tomato plants in for fruiting.
I think you need to find out what species this tree is - it might well be a forest tree and a gift for Her Majesty!!!
16 Dec, 2008
I would protect it through this winter.Bury it in the ground, as is, mulch and hope for snow.
Rootprune and re-work the tree in the spring. I would not overpot it. One gallon can to a five gallon can at most. You might consider tipping the new growth in the spring.
17 Dec, 2008
i got a willow i planted for me and my wife over on some common land.we gonna have our ashes sprinkled under them and put something back
17 Dec, 2008
Wait a second Noseypotter. This could be on my re-incarnation blog, re done by David to green burials. And you post such a glorius comment on re-potting!
Forgive me Jacque, but this is just not right. You are free to hi-jack ANY of my own commentaries
A willow, I would not pick. I am leaning myself to be a prickly Saguaro. B O Boy could I wite a naughty here. It involves bats and the pollinization of me.
This post was about re-potting, not about any green plantings. Though, I must admit you Brits and Australians are miles ahead of us in the U.S.A. Our loss!
I hope it was a long lived Salix. My own choice in England would be Oak, Chestnut or even an Ash. I have been called that often enough ... so
17 Dec, 2008
i chose willow as for a start ist quite beautyfull excuse my spelling.because geneticly the two i planted are identical.its near a river so garaunteed being waterd and its on common land so it shouldnt be touched unlike graves.there easy you just cut of last years new shoots while its doorment in winter.its naaturalish so it wont stand out misses tree is the other going to fuse the two together and when we go we positavley put something back.which glorious post on repotting ?its not that nice to eat for deer,it grows realy quick.we planted ours last wint about 2` tall and now already ther 5` we just told the right people thats wear we are going.theres a hell of a lot of things to consider about trying to get two full grown willows grown full size and age hopefully.i live in the biggest man made forest in the uk dad lake me was a fisherman for pleasure you understand.i know its corny but he was scatterd in the same river.
17 Dec, 2008
I think its great that uv Planted 2 Willows NP & its lovely2Know ur father was Sprinkled in2the River that runs past the Same place :)I plan on having My Ashes Buried with My Father :) Your Not Being Corny @ all Just a Loveing SonX
17 Dec, 2008
That's lovely NP :-)
18 Dec, 2008
thank you if i cant put something back in life then i can in death
18 Dec, 2008
I dont see why you cant do it now Jacque, its not as if your going to be disturbing all the roots if you are just potting it on. I think I would use John Innes No 3 if your going to keep it in a pot
16 Dec, 2008